package jekyll-format

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Jekyll blog post parsing module

Types and accessors

type t

t is a single Jekyll-format post that has been parsed

type fields

fields represents the YAML front matter in the blog post

body represents the blog post content, probably in Markdown format

val fields : t -> fields

fields t retrieves the YAML front matter fields from the blog post

val body : t -> body

body t retrieves the blog post content from the blog post

YAML metadata

val find : string -> fields -> string option

find key t retrieves the first key from the YAML front matter, and None if the key is not present. Keys are case-sensitive as per the YAML specification. Whitespace is trimmed around the field value.

val keys : fields -> string list

keys f retrieves all of the key names in the YAML front matter.

val title : ?fname:string -> fields -> (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

title ?fname f will query the title from the YAML metadata, and fallback to parsing the optional fname filename of the post if no explicit key is found. If nothing works then None is returned.

val title_exn : ?fname:string -> fields -> string

title_exn ?fname f operates as title except that it raises a Parse_failure exception on error.

val date : ?fname:string -> fields -> (Ptime.t, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

date ?fname f will query the post date from the YAML metadata, and fallback to parsing the optional fname filename of the post if no explicit key is found.

val date_exn : ?fname:string -> fields -> Ptime.t

date_exn ?fname f operates as date except that it raises a Parse_failure in the error case.

val slug : ?fname:string -> fields -> (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

slug ?fname f will query the slug name from the YAML metadata, or calculate it from the filename if no explicit slug field is set, and finally fallback to parsing the title of the post if nothing else is found. The slug is calculated using slug_of_string.

val slug_exn : ?fname:string -> fields -> string

slug_exn ?fname f operates as slug except that it raises a Parse_failure in the error case.

Conversion functions

val of_string : string -> (t, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

of_string t parses a Jekyll-format blog post and either returns a t or signals an error in the result.

val of_string_exn : string -> t

of_string_exn t parses a Jekyll-format blog post and either returns a t or raises a Parse_failure exception with the error string.

val body_to_string : body -> string

body_to_string body serialises the body to an OCaml string, maintaining the original layout and whitespace.

val slug_of_string : string -> string

slug_of_string s replaces all non-ascii characters (a..zA..Z0..9) with the - hyphen character. The result is also lowercase.

val parse_filename : string -> (Ptime.t * string * string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

parse_filename f parses a Jekyll format filename YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP and returns the time, title and markup components respectively. If the time could not be parsed, then the header is assumed to be the title and None is returned for the time.

val parse_filename_exn : string -> Ptime.t * string * string

parse_filename_exn f operates as parse_filename except that it raises a Parse_failure in the error case.

val parse_date : ?and_time:bool -> string -> (Ptime.t, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

parse_date ?and_time s parses a Jekyll format date field in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +/-TT:TT format, where the HMS and timezone components are optional. and_time defaults to true and causes the non-date components to be parsed; setting it to false only causes the YMD portions to be parsed.

val parse_date_exn : ?and_time:bool -> string -> Ptime.t

parse_date_exn ?and_time s operates as parse_date except that it raises a Parse_failure in the error case.

exception Parse_failure of string

Exception raised on parse failure by the _exn functions in this module. The argument is a human-readable error message.

Pretty printers

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp t prints out the blog post and YAML front matter, using pp_fields and pp_body respectively.

val pp_body : body Fmt.t

pp_body body prints out the blog post body in the original layout.

val pp_fields : fields Fmt.t

pp_fields f prints out the YAML front matter in the original layout.

Error strings

module E : sig ... end

These are error strings returned by the parser. They are primarily used by the test cases to pattern match on failures and are not for general use.


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