package irmin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

URI-based low-level sync.

include Irmin.Private.Sync.S with type commit_id = Commit.key and type branch_id = Ref.key

Remote synchronization

type t

The type for store handles.

type commit_id = Commit.key

The type for store heads.

type branch_id = Ref.key

The type for branch IDs.

val fetch : t -> ?depth:int -> uri:string -> branch_id -> [ `Head of commit_id | `No_head | `Error ] Lwt.t

fetch t uri fetches the contents of the remote store located at uri into the local store t. Return the head of the remote branch with the same name, which is now in the local store. No_head means no such branch exists.

val push : t -> ?depth:int -> uri:string -> branch_id -> [ `Ok | `Error ] Lwt.t

push t uri pushes the contents of the local store t into the remote store located at uri.

val create : Repo.t -> t Lwt.t

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