package irmin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Commit Store

Private commits.

Commit Store

include Irmin.AO with type key = commit_id

Append-only stores

include Irmin.RO with type key = commit_id

Read-only stores

type t

Type for stores.

type key = commit_id

Type for keys.

type value

Type for values.

val read : t -> key -> value option Lwt.t

Read a value from the store.

val read_exn : t -> key -> value Lwt.t

Same as read but raise Invalid_argument if the key does not exist.

val mem : t -> key -> bool Lwt.t

Check if a key exists.

val iter : t -> (key -> value Lwt.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t

iter t fn call the function fn on all t's keys and values.

val add : t -> value -> key Lwt.t

Write the contents of a value to the store. It's the responsibility of the append-only store to generate a consistent key.

module Key : Irmin.Hash.S with type t = key

Key provides base functions for commit keys.

module Val : Irmin.Private.Commit.S with type t = value and type commit := key with type node = Node.key

Val provides functions for commit values.


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