package inquire

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Edition engines

type 'a t

Type of edition engines. 'a is the type of custom data attached to the engine in order to extend it.

type clipboard = {
  1. clipboard_get : unit -> Zed_rope.t;

    Returns the current contents of the clipboard.

  2. clipboard_set : Zed_rope.t -> unit;

    Sets the contents of the clipboard.


Type of clipboards.

val new_clipboard : unit -> clipboard

new_clipboard () creates a new clipboard using a reference.

val create : ?editable:(int -> int -> bool) -> ?move:(int -> int -> int) -> ?clipboard:clipboard -> ?match_word:(Zed_rope.t -> int -> int option) -> ?locale:string option React.signal -> ?undo_size:int -> unit -> 'a t

create ?editable ?move ?clipboard () creates a new edition engine in the initial state.

editable is used to determine whether the text at given position is editable or not. It takes as argument the position and the length of the text to remove.

move is unused.

clipboard is the clipboard to use for this engine. If none is defined, a new one using a reference is created.

match_word is used to recognize words. It must returns the end of the matched word if any.

locale is the locale of this buffer. It is used for case mapping.

undo_size is the size of the undo buffer. It is the number of state zed will remember. It defaults to 1000.

val get_data : 'a t -> 'a

get_data edit returns the custom data attached to the engine. It raises Not_found if no data is attached to the engine.

val set_data : 'a t -> 'a -> unit

set_data edit data attach data to the engine.

val clear_data : 'a t -> unit

clear_data edit removes the custom data of engine.

val text : 'a t -> Zed_rope.t

text edit returns the signal holding the current contents of the buffer.

val lines : 'a t -> Zed_lines.t

lines edit returns the set of line position of text edit.

val get_line : 'a t -> int -> Zed_rope.t

get_line edit n returns the rope corresponding to the nth line without the newline character.

val changes : 'a t -> Zed_cursor.changes React.event

changes edit returns an event which occurs with values of the form (start, added, removed) when the contents of the engine changes. start is the start of modifications, added is the number of characters added and removed is the number of characters removed.

val update : 'a t -> Zed_cursor.t list -> unit React.event

update edit cursors returns an event which occurs each the rendering of the engine should be updated.

val erase_mode : 'a t -> bool React.signal

erase_mode edit returns the ``erase'' mode of the buffer. In this mode character inserted in the buffer erase existing ones.

val get_erase_mode : 'a t -> bool

erase_mode edit returns the current erase mode of the buffer.

val set_erase_mode : 'a t -> bool -> unit

set_erase_mode edit state sets the status of the erase mode for the given engine.

val mark : 'a t -> Zed_cursor.t

mark edit returns the cursor used to for the mark in the given engine.

val selection : 'a t -> bool React.signal

selection edit returns the signal holding the current selection state. If true, text is being selectionned.

val get_selection : 'a t -> bool

selection edit returns the current selection state.

val set_selection : 'a t -> bool -> unit

set_selection edit state sets the selection state.

val new_cursor : 'a t -> Zed_cursor.t

new_cursor edit creates a new cursor for the given edition engine. The cursor initially points to the beginning of the buffer.

exception Cannot_edit

Exception raised when trying to edit a non-editable portion of a buffer.

type 'a context

Type of contexts. Contexts are used to modify an edition buffer.

val context : ?check:bool -> 'a t -> Zed_cursor.t -> 'a context

context ?check edit cursor creates a new context with given parameters. cursor is the cursor that will be used for all modification of the text. If check is true (the default) then all modification of the text will be checked with the editable function of the engine.

val edit : 'a context -> 'a t

edit ctx returns the edition engine used by the given context.

val cursor : 'a context -> Zed_cursor.t

cursor ctx returns the cursor used by this context.

val check : 'a context -> bool

check ctx returns whether the context has been created with the check flag.

val with_check : bool -> 'a context -> 'a context

with_check check ctx retuns ctx with the check flag set to check.

val goto : 'a context -> ?set_wanted_column:bool -> int -> unit

goto ctx ?set_column position moves the cursor to the given position. It raises Zed_cursor.Out_of_bounds if the position is outside the bounds of the text. If set_wanted_column is true, the wanted column of the cursor is set to the new column.

val move : 'a context -> ?set_wanted_column:bool -> int -> unit

move ctx ?set_wanted_column delta moves the cursor by the given number of characters. It raises Zed_cursor.Out_of_bounds if the current plus delta is outside the bounds of the text.

val move_line : 'a context -> int -> unit

move_line ctx ?set_wanted_column delta moves the cursor by the given number of lines.

val position : 'a context -> int

position ctx returns the position of the cursor.

val line : 'a context -> int

line ctx returns the line of the cursor.

val column : 'a context -> int

column ctx returns the column of the cursor.

val column_display : 'a context -> int

column_display ctx returns the display column of the cursor.

val at_bol : 'a context -> bool

at_bol ctx returns true iff the cursor is at the beginning of the current line.

val at_eol : 'a context -> bool

at_eol ctx returns true iff the cursor is at the end of the current line.

val at_bot : 'a context -> bool

at_bot ctx returns true iff the cursor is at the beginning of the text.

val at_eot : 'a context -> bool

at_eot ctx returns true iff the cursor is at the end of the text.

val insert : 'a context -> Zed_rope.t -> unit

insert ctx rope inserts the given rope at current position.

val insert_char : 'a context -> Stdlib.Uchar.t -> unit

insert ctx rope inserts the given Uchar at current position.

val insert_no_erase : 'a context -> Zed_rope.t -> unit

insert ctx rope inserts the given rope at current position but do not erase text if the buffer is currently in erase mode.

val remove_next : 'a context -> int -> unit

remove_next ctx n removes n characters at current position. If there is less than n characters at current position, it removes everything until the end of the text.

val remove_prev : 'a context -> int -> unit

remove_prev ctx n removes n characters before current position. If there is less than n characters before current position, it removes everything until the beginning of the text.

val remove : 'a context -> int -> unit

Alias for remove_next

val replace : 'a context -> int -> Zed_rope.t -> unit

replace ctx n rope does the same as:

remove ctx n;
insert_no_erase ctx rope

but in one atomic operation.

val newline : 'a context -> unit

Insert a newline character.

val next_char : 'a context -> unit

next_char ctx moves the cursor to the next character. It does nothing if the cursor is at the end of the text.

val prev_char : 'a context -> unit

prev_char ctx moves the cursor to the previous character. It does nothing if the cursor is at the beginning of the text.

val next_line : 'a context -> unit

next_line ctx moves the cursor to the next line. If the cursor is on the last line, it is moved to the end of the buffer.

val prev_line : 'a context -> unit

prev_line ctx moves the cursor to the previous line. If the cursor is on the first line, it is moved to the beginning of the buffer.

val goto_bol : 'a context -> unit

goto_bol ctx moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

val goto_eol : 'a context -> unit

goto_eol ctx moves the cursor to the end of the current line.

val goto_bot : 'a context -> unit

goto_bot ctx moves the cursor to the beginning of the text.

val goto_eot : 'a context -> unit

goto_eot ctx moves the cursor to the end of the text.

val delete_next_char : 'a context -> unit

delete_next_char ctx deletes the character after the cursor, if any.

val delete_prev_char : 'a context -> unit

delete_prev_char ctx delete the character before the cursor.

val delete_next_line : 'a context -> unit

delete_next_line ctx delete everything until the end of the current line.

val delete_prev_line : 'a context -> unit

delete_next_line ctx delete everything until the beginning of the current line.

val kill_next_line : 'a context -> unit

kill_next_line ctx delete everything until the end of the current line and save it to the clipboard.

val kill_prev_line : 'a context -> unit

kill_next_line ctx delete everything until the beginning of the current line and save it to the clipboard.

val switch_erase_mode : 'a context -> unit

switch_erase_mode ctx switch the current erase mode.

val set_mark : 'a context -> unit

set_mark ctx sets the mark at current position.

val goto_mark : 'a context -> unit

goto_mark ctx moves the cursor to the mark.

val copy : 'a context -> unit

copy ctx copies the current selectionned region to the clipboard.

val copy_sequence : 'a context -> int -> int -> unit

copy_sequence ctx start len copies len characters start from start to the clipboard.

val kill : 'a context -> unit

kill ctx copies the current selectionned region to the clipboard and remove it.

val yank : 'a context -> unit

yank ctx inserts the contents of the clipboard at current position.

val capitalize_word : 'a context -> unit

capitalize_word ctx capitalizes the first word after the cursor.

val lowercase_word : 'a context -> unit

lowercase_word ctx converts the first word after the cursor to lowercase.

val uppercase_word : 'a context -> unit

uppercase_word ctx converts the first word after the cursor to uppercase.

val next_word : 'a context -> unit

next_word ctx moves the cursor to the end of the next word.

val prev_word : 'a context -> unit

prev_word ctx moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.

val delete_next_word : 'a context -> unit

delete_next_word ctx deletes the word after the cursor.

val delete_prev_word : 'a context -> unit

delete_prev_word ctx deletes the word before the cursor.

val kill_next_word : 'a context -> unit

kill_next_word ctx deletes the word after the cursor and save it to the clipboard.

val kill_prev_word : 'a context -> unit

kill_prev_word ctx deletes the word before the cursor and save it to the clipboard.

val undo : 'a context -> unit

undo ctx reverts the last performed action.

Action by names
type action =
  1. | Insert of Zed_char.t
  2. | Insert_str of Zed_string.t
  3. | Newline
  4. | Next_char
  5. | Prev_char
  6. | Next_line
  7. | Prev_line
  8. | Join_line
  9. | Set_pos of int
  10. | Goto of int
  11. | Goto_bol
  12. | Goto_eol
  13. | Goto_bot
  14. | Goto_eot
  15. | Delete_next_chars of int
  16. | Delete_prev_chars of int
  17. | Kill_next_chars of int
  18. | Kill_prev_chars of int
  19. | Delete_next_char
  20. | Delete_prev_char
  21. | Delete_next_line
  22. | Delete_prev_line
  23. | Kill_next_line
  24. | Kill_prev_line
  25. | Switch_erase_mode
  26. | Set_mark
  27. | Goto_mark
  28. | Copy
  29. | Kill
  30. | Yank
  31. | Capitalize_word
  32. | Lowercase_word
  33. | Uppercase_word
  34. | Next_word
  35. | Prev_word
  36. | Delete_next_word
  37. | Delete_prev_word
  38. | Kill_next_word
  39. | Kill_prev_word
  40. | Undo

Type of actions.

val get_action : action -> 'a context -> unit

get_action action returns the function associated to the given action.

val actions : (action * string) list

List of actions with their names, except Insert.

val doc_of_action : action -> string

doc_of_action action returns a short description of the action.

val action_of_name : string -> action

action_of_name str converts the given action name into an action. Action name are the same as function name but with '_' replaced by '-', number parameter replaced with "(number)". It raises Not_found if the name does not correspond to an action.

Insert ch is represented by "insert(<char>)" where <char> is:

  • a literal ascii character, such as "a", "b", ...
  • a unicode character, written "U+< code >", such as "U+0041"

Insert_str str is represented by "insert-str(<str>)" where <str> is raw utf8 string.

val name_of_action : action -> string

name_of_action act returns the name of the given action.


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