package incr_dom_keyboard

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Keyboard_code = Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.Keyboard_code
val key : t -> Keyboard_code.t
val ctrl : t -> bool
val alt : t -> bool
val shift : t -> bool
val meta : t -> bool
val match_modifiers : ?ctrl:bool -> ?alt:bool -> ?shift:bool -> ?meta:bool -> t -> bool

match_modifiers evaluates a t's modifiers vs the function's arguments. If an argument is not specified then that modifier is not evaluated.

val no_modifiers : t -> bool
val map : t -> f: (([ `Ctrl of bool ] * [ `Alt of bool ] * [ `Shift of bool ] * [ `Meta of bool ] * Keyboard_code.t) -> 'a) -> 'a

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