package incr_dom_keyboard

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A Keyboard_event_handler.t is a collections of actions (commands and disabled keys) that can be used to handle keyboard events and to produce help text.

module Condition : sig ... end

A Condition.t is a condition based on a keyboard event (which importantly includes the event's focus). This is intended to be used in keyboard event handlers that look at the keyboard event to determine whether or not to take a certain action.

module Handler : sig ... end

A Handler.t handles a keyboard event by returning a Vdom.Event.t. These should be used as building blocks for keyboard event handlers, for instance to handle a specific set of keys.

module Command : sig ... end
module Action : sig ... end
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val empty : t
val of_action_list_exn : Action.t list -> t

of_action_list_exn and of_command_list_exn create a keyboard event handler from a list of actions. If the same key appears in multiple actions, an exception is raised.

val of_command_list_exn : Command.t list -> t
val add_action_exn : t -> Action.t -> t

add_action_exn, add_command_exn, and add_disabled_key_exn add a new action to a keyboard event handler. If any key from the new action already exists in the handler, an exception is raised.

val add_command_exn : t -> Command.t -> t
val add_disabled_key_exn : t -> Keystroke.t -> t
val set_action : t -> Action.t -> t

set_action, set_command, and set_disabled_key are similar to their respective *_exn functions, but if a key from the new action already exists in the handler, that key's action is updated to the new action.

val set_command : t -> Command.t -> t
val set_disabled_key : t -> Keystroke.t -> t
val merge_exn : t -> t -> t

merge_exn t1 t2 and merge t1 t2 create a new keyboard event handler containing the actions from both t1 and t2. If there is a duplicate key between t1 and t2, merge_exn raises an exception while merge uses the action from t2.

val merge : t -> t -> t
val handle_event : t -> Keyboard_event.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event.t option
val get_help_text : ?include_disabled_keys:unit -> t -> Help_text.t
val get_grouped_help_text : ?include_disabled_keys:unit -> t -> default_group:Grouped_help_text.Group_name.t -> Grouped_help_text.t
val get_grouped_help_text_exn : ?include_disabled_keys:unit -> t -> Grouped_help_text.t

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