package hardcaml_waveterm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val run_waves : ?signals_width:Base.Int.t -> ?values_width:Base.Int.t -> Hardcaml_waveterm.Waves.t -> Base.Unit.t Async.Deferred.t
val run : ?signals_width:Base.Int.t -> ?values_width:Base.Int.t -> Hardcaml_waveterm.Waves.t -> Base.Unit.t

Run the waveform viewer and return. Calls into Async/LWT so MUST NOT BE CALLED from within an Async or LWT deferred.

val run_and_close : ?signals_width:Base.Int.t -> ?values_width:Base.Int.t -> Hardcaml_waveterm.Waves.t -> Base.Unit.t

Run the waveform viewer and close the program on exit.

val run_interactive_viewer : ?signals_width:Base.Int.t -> ?values_width:Base.Int.t -> ?display_rules:Hardcaml_waveterm.Display_rules.t -> Hardcaml_waveterm.Waveform.t -> Base.Unit.t

Run interactive waveterm viewer. ESC to quit.


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