package gstreamer

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

App sources.

type t
val to_element : t -> Element.t
val of_element : Element.t -> t
val push_buffer : t -> Buffer.t -> unit

Push a buffer.

val push_buffer_bytes : t -> ?presentation_time:Int64.t -> ?duration:Int64.t -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

Push a buffer in bytes format.

val push_buffer_data : t -> ?presentation_time:Int64.t -> ?duration:Int64.t -> data -> int -> int -> unit

Push a buffer in data format.

val on_need_data : t -> (int -> unit) -> unit

Register a callback that will be called when data need to be fed into the source (the argument is the number of bytes needed by the source).

val end_of_stream : t -> unit

Emit an end of stream signal.

val set_format : t -> Format.t -> unit

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