package gospel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Ocaml_syntax_error of Ppxlib.Location.t
val with_loadpath : string list -> string -> string

with_loadpath loadpath filename finds the first directory d in loadpath such that d/filename is a valid file path, and returns it. If filename is an absolute valid path or is "gospelstdlib.mli", it returns it unchanged. Raises Not_found if no such path exists.

val parse_ocaml : string -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.signature

`parse_ocaml file` parses the OCaml content of the `file` if it is a valid interface.

Raise Not_found if file does not exist. Raise Ocaml_syntax_error if there is an OCaml syntax error.

val parse_gospel : filename:string -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.signature -> string -> Uast.s_signature

parse_gospel sig_list module_name parses the GOSPEL attributes and integrates them in the corresponding OCaml signatures.

val parse_ocaml_gospel : string -> Uast.s_signature

parse_ocaml_gospel path parses the OCaml interface and the GOSPEL specification of the file located in path.

Raise Not_found if the file does not exist. Raise Ocaml_syntax_error if there is an OCaml syntax error.


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