package git-http

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
type raw = Cstruct.t
type uri = Uri.t
type req = {
  1. req : Cohttp.Request.t;
  2. query : (string * string list) list;
  3. body : (raw * int * int) option -> unit Lwt.t;
type resp = {
  1. resp : Cohttp.Response.t;
  2. body : Cohttp_lwt.Body.t;
include Web.S with type req := req and type resp := resp and type 'a io := 'a io and type raw := raw and type uri := uri and type Request.body = (raw * int * int) option -> unit Lwt.t and type Response.body = unit -> (raw * int * int) option Lwt.t and type HTTP.headers = Cohttp.Header.t
module HTTP : sig ... end

Status codes

type status = int

The type for HTTP status code.

val s100_continue : status


val s200_ok : status


module Request : sig ... end
module Response : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.