package flatunionfind
Module type
Class type
This module offers a union-find data structure based on disjoint set forests, with path compression and linking by rank. The data structure is stored in a flat integer vector.
module type UF = sig ... end
This signature describes the result of the functor FlatUnionFind.Make
module type UFD = sig ... end
This signature describes the result of the functor FlatUnionFind.Wrap
Applying the functor Make
creates a fresh instance of the union-find data structure. This functor is generative: each application returns a new module, with its own mutable internal state and its own abstract type point
module MakeWithData (D : sig ... end) () : UFD with type data = D.t
Applying the functor MakeWithData
creates a fresh instance of the union-find data structure. In comparison with Make
, this data structure offers one additional feature: it maintains a map of equivalence classes to user data. This functor is generative: each application returns a new module, with its own mutable internal state and its own abstract type point