package email_message

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Email := Email_message_kernel
module Mimetype : sig ... end
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val from : t -> Email_address.t option
val to_ : t -> Email_address.t list option
val cc : t -> Email_address.t list option
val subject : t -> string option
val id : t -> string option
val extract_body : ?content_type:Mimetype.t -> t -> string option

extract_body ?content_type t returns the body associated with the email part that matches the content_type mimetype, or none if t does not contain a body or part of type content_type.

val extract_body_ext' : accept: ((Mimetype.t * (string * string option) list) option -> 'format option) -> t -> ('format * string) Core.Sequence.t

extract_body_ext and extract_body_ext' Attempt to find the message body in the preferred format.

accept is used to select only content parts in a format that is supported. If a multipart component is accepted by accept, we do NOT recursively extract the body. We do so otherwise.

order will be used to select the least part (by default the first part)

val extract_body_ext : accept: ((Mimetype.t * (string * string option) list) option -> 'format option) -> ?order:('format -> 'format -> int) -> t -> ('format * string) option

Related parts are those that are included in a multi-part message with a "Content-ID" header. This content can be referenced by adding the "cid:" prefix and stripping the enclosing '<' and '>'.

For example (from

        Subject: A simple example
        Mime-Version: 1.0
        Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="boundary-example-1"; type=Text/HTML
        --boundary-example 1
        Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset=US-ASCII

        to the other body part, for example through a statement such as:
        <IMG SRC="cid:foo4*" ALT="IETF logo">


        Content-ID: <foo4*>
        Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64



Calling all_related_parts on this email would return a list of length one where the attachment_name is "foo4*" for the single entry.

Related parts are often used for inline images.

val inline_parts : t -> Email_message_kernel.Simple.Content.t list
type attachment_name = string
val sexp_of_attachment_name : attachment_name -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
module Attachment : sig ... end

For parsing attachments. Use create ~attachments to add attachments. Convenience functions for email parts that have "Content-Disposition: attachment"

module Content : sig ... end
val create : ?from:Email_address.t -> to_:Email_address.t list -> ?cc:Email_address.t list -> ?reply_to:Email_address.t -> subject:string -> ?id:string -> ?in_reply_to:string -> ?date:Core.Time_float.t -> ?auto_generated:unit -> ?extra_headers: (Email_message_kernel.Headers.Name.t * Email_message_kernel.Headers.Value.t) list -> ?attachments:(attachment_name * Content.t) list -> ?no_tracing_headers:[ `Because_not_using_standard_email_infra ] -> Content.t -> t
val create_utf8 : ?from:Email_address.t -> to_:Email_address.t list -> ?cc:Email_address.t list -> ?reply_to:Email_address.t -> subject:string -> ?id:string -> ?in_reply_to:string -> ?date:Core.Time_float.t -> ?auto_generated:unit -> ?extra_headers: (Email_message_kernel.Headers.Name.t * Email_message_kernel.Headers.Value.t) list -> ?attachments:(attachment_name * Content.t) list -> ?no_tracing_headers:[ `Because_not_using_standard_email_infra ] -> Content.t -> t

A unique value to be used in a Message-Id header

val local_address : unit -> Email_address.t
val all_attachments : ?include_inline_parts:[ `None | `Named | `Named_or_has_content_id ] -> ?look_through_attached_mails:bool -> t -> Attachment.t list

all_attachments looks recursively through the e-mail parts, looking for attachments.

~include_inline_parts (default is `None) controls whether this function will attempt to interpret inline parts as attachments. `Named_or_has_content_id most aggressively classifies parts as attachments, including inline parts that are either named or have a Content-Id header. `Named will include inline parts that are named.

If ~look_through_attached_mails:true (the default), it will separately include both e-mail attachments as well as the attachments to those e-mails. Otherwise it will include e-mail attachments but not (separately) any of the attached e-mails' attachments.

val find_attachment : t -> attachment_name -> Attachment.t option
val map_attachments : ?include_inline_parts:[ `None | `Named | `Named_or_has_content_id ] -> t -> f:(Attachment.t -> [ `Keep | `Replace of t ]) -> t

map_attachments recurses into message/rfc822 parts. However, if a message/rfc822 part is replaced, there is no further recursion.

module Expert : sig ... end
module Stable : sig ... end

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