package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Low-level XML manipulation.

Base functions

See <<a_api project="tyxml" | module Xml_sigs.Iterable >> .

include Xml_sigs.Iterable with type 'a wrap = 'a and type 'a list_wrap = 'a list and type event_handler = (Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.event Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t and type mouse_event_handler = (Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.mouseEvent Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t and type keyboard_event_handler = (Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.keyboardEvent Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t and type touch_event_handler = (Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.touchEvent Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t
module W : sig ... end
type !'a wrap = 'a
type !'a list_wrap = 'a list
type uri
val string_of_uri : (uri, string) W.ft
val uri_of_string : (string, uri) W.ft
type aname = string
type attrib
val float_attrib : aname -> float wrap -> attrib
val int_attrib : aname -> int wrap -> attrib
val string_attrib : aname -> string wrap -> attrib
val space_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val comma_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val event_handler_attrib : aname -> event_handler -> attrib
val mouse_event_handler_attrib : aname -> mouse_event_handler -> attrib
val keyboard_event_handler_attrib : aname -> keyboard_event_handler -> attrib
val touch_event_handler_attrib : aname -> touch_event_handler -> attrib
val uri_attrib : aname -> uri wrap -> attrib
val uris_attrib : aname -> uri list wrap -> attrib
type elt
type ename = string
val empty : unit -> elt
val comment : string -> elt
val pcdata : string wrap -> elt
val encodedpcdata : string wrap -> elt
val entity : string -> elt
val leaf : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt
val node : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt list_wrap -> elt
val cdata : string -> elt
val cdata_script : string -> elt
val cdata_style : string -> elt
type separator =
  1. | Space
  2. | Comma
val aname : attrib -> aname
type acontent = private
  1. | AFloat of float
  2. | AInt of int
  3. | AStr of string
  4. | AStrL of separator * string list
val acontent : attrib -> acontent
type econtent = private
  1. | Empty
  2. | Comment of string
  3. | EncodedPCDATA of string
  4. | PCDATA of string
  5. | Entity of string
  6. | Leaf of ename * attrib list
  7. | Node of ename * attrib list * elt list
val content : elt -> econtent

Unique nodes

Unique nodes are XML nodes that are manipulated 'by reference' when sent to the client part of an Eliom-application: the created element is allocated only one time in each instance of an application. See <<a_manual chapter="clientserver-html" fragment="unique" |the eliom manual>> for more details.

Event handlers

type caml_event_handler

Values of type caml_event_handler represents event handler build with the {{ ... }} syntax (see the Eliom manual for more information on <<a_manual chapter="clientserver-html" fragment="syntax"|syntax extension>>). Such values are expected by functions like Eliom_content.Html.a_onclick.

val wrap : elt -> 'a -> 'a Eliom_wrap.wrapped_value

Eliom_content.Xml.wrap page v is like Eliom_wrap.wrap v but it makes sure that all elts in v which are included in page are sent with empty content. This is safe because such elements will be taken from the DOM on the client either ways.


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