package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Eliom services registration for various kinds of page content: Eliom application, valid Html, actions, redirections, static files, ...

Please read the Eliom manual before this page to learn how to use <<a_manual chapter="server-services" | services >> and <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" | predefined outputs >>.

<<outline| <<header| **Table of contents** >> >>

Type definitions

type 'a kind

The type kind is an abstract type for the HTTP frame returned by a service. The type parameter indicates the content type, and is one of the following types:

Return types for Eliom_service.service

Classical content
type browser_content = [
  1. | `Browser

The type browser_content is to be used as a phantom type parameter for Eliom_registration.kind. It means the returned content must be interpreted in the browser as stated by the content-type header. This is most common return type for an eliom service, see for example Html, CssText, File, Redirection.

type block_content

The type block_content is to be used as a phantom type parameter for Eliom_registration.kind. It means the returned content is a subtree of an XML value. See for example Block5 or Make_typed_xml_registration.

type unknown_content

The type unknown_content is to be used as a phantom type parameter for Eliom_registration.kind when the content-type can't be determined statically. See Text or Any.

Application content
type 'a application_content = [
  1. | `Appl of 'a

The type application_content is a refinement of appl_service to be used as a phantom type parameters for Eliom_registration.kind. The parameter 'a is phantom type that is unique for a given application.

type 'a application_name

Typed application name

OCaml content
type 'a ocaml_content

The type ocaml_content is an synomyn for Eliom_service.ocaml_service to be used as a phantom type parameters for Eliom_registration.kind. See Ocaml.

Using HTML with services

Eliom service registration for services that return HTML pages.

Eliom client/server applications

type appl_service_options = {
  1. do_not_launch : bool;

Type for the options of an Eliom application service.

If you set do_not_launch to true when creating an application service, it will send the page without launching the client side program. However, if the program is already lanched, the client side process won't be stopped. Use this if some of your pages are not using the client side program and you want to make them load faster.

val default_appl_service_options : appl_service_options

The default options record for an eliom service. See appl_service_options.

module type APP = sig ... end
val transform_global_app_uri : (Eliom_content.Html.uri -> Eliom_content.Html.uri) Stdlib.ref

Function to modify the global_app URI for some obscure reason

Functor for application creation. See <<a_manual chapter="clientserver-applications" | the chapter on applications >> in the Eliom manual for details.

module type TMPL_PARAMS = sig ... end

Services returning HTML (or other TyXML) fragments

module Flow5 : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = Html_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html.elt list and type options = unit and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = block_content kind

Eliom service registration and forms creation for fragment of HTML page.

Untyped pages

module Html_text : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = string and type options = unit and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind

Eliom service registration and forms creation for untyped HTML page. The page content is a string that must contains valid HTML and the content type is always text/html.

module CssText : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = string and type options = int and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind

Eliom service registration for services that returns CSS. The page content is a string that must contains valid CSS and the content type is always text/css. The option is the optional "Cache-policy: max-age" header value to be sent.

Other kinds of services

module Action : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type page = unit and type options = [ `Reload | `NoReload ] and type result = browser_content kind

Eliom service registration for services that only execute actions. See the Eliom manual for more information about <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" fragment="actions"|Actions outputs>>.

module Unit : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = unit and type options = unit and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind

Similar to Actions with `NoReload option.

type _ redirection =
  1. | Redirection : (unit, unit, Eliom_service.get, _, _, _, _, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, 'a) Eliom_service.t -> 'a redirection

Auxiliarry type to hide non-interesting type parameters

module Redirection : sig ... end

Eliom service registration for services that returns a redirections towards another service. See the Eliom manual for more information about <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" fragment="redirections"|Redirections outputs>>.

module String_redirection : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = Eliom_lib.Url.uri and type options = [ `MovedPermanently | `Found | `SeeOther | `NotNodifed | `UseProxy | `TemporaryRedirect ] and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind

Eliom service registration for services that returns a redirections towards a string-URL. See the Eliom manual for more information about <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" fragment="redirections"|Redirections outputs>>. The URL given must be an absolute URI.

module File : sig ... end

Eliom service registration for services that returns file contents. The value returned by service handlers is the name of the file to send. See the Eliom manual for more information on <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" fragment="eliomfiles"|how to send files with Eliom>>. The option is the optional "Cache-policy: max-age" header value to be sent.

module File_ct : sig ... end

Same as file but makes possible to specify the content type for each file. The value returned by service handlers is a pair (file_name, content_type).

module Ocaml : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_create_with_send with type 'a page = 'a and type options = unit and type 'a return = 'a Eliom_service.ocaml and type 'a result = 'a ocaml_content kind

Eliom service registration for services that send marshalled OCaml values.

module Any : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_create_with_send with type 'a page = 'a kind and type options = unit and type 'a return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type 'a result = 'a kind

Eliom service registration for services that choose dynamically what they want to send. The content is created using for example Html.send or String.send functions. See the Eliom manual for more information about <<a_manual chapter="server-outputs" fragment="any"|services that choose dynamically what they want to send>>

val appl_self_redirect : ('page -> [< 'a application_content | browser_content ] kind Lwt.t) -> 'page -> 'appl application_content kind Lwt.t

The function appl_self_redirect send page is an helper function required for defining Any service usable inside an Eliom application (App). It allows casting an Eliom senders that do not returns application_content (like File.send, String.send, ...) into a senders returns application_content.

When the service is called from an Eliom application, this is implemented with half-redirection (a redirection that leaves the application). Hence, the service may be called two times in a row and you should not use this function for services that use POST parameters.

module String : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_with_create with type page = string * string and type options = int and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = unknown_content kind

Eliom service registration for services that returns "byte"-string contents. The page content is a pair (raw_content, content_type). See also Streamlist for another kind of service that returns "byte" contents. The option is the optional "Cache-policy: max-age" header value to be sent.

Customizing registration

The Customize functor allows specialization of service registration functions by customizing the page type. See the <<a_manual project="tutorial" chapter="interaction"| Eliom tutorial>> for example.

Using your own error pages

val set_exn_handler : (exn -> browser_content kind Lwt.t) -> unit

The set_exn_handler handler allows redefinition of error pages: 404 or any exception during page generation.

Note that you should not catch every exception here since some Eliom mechanisms are done using exceptions, like redirections. Do not catch exception defined in Eliom except Eliom_common.Eliom_404, Eliom_common.Eliom_Wrong_parameter Eliom_common.Eliom_Typing_Error.

Warning: This functions must be called when the site information is available, that is, either during a request or during the initialisation phase of the site. Otherwise, it will raise the exception Eliom_common.Eliom_site_information_not_available. If you are using static linking, you must delay the call to this function until the configuration file is read, using Eliom_service.register_eliom_module. Otherwise you will also get this exception.

Unsafe cast of contents

val cast_unknown_content_kind : unknown_content kind -> 'a kind

If you know that the content you generated using Text.send or Streamlist.send is the same as some other kind, you can cast it with cast_unknown_content_kind for use with Any module.

val cast_http_result : Ocsigen_response.t -> 'a kind

cast_http_result should only be used to register new output modules

val end_init : unit -> unit

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