package dolmen_loop

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Expr : Expr_intf.S
module Print : Expr_intf.Print with type ty := Expr.ty and type ty_var := Expr.ty_var and type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst and type ty_def := Expr.ty_def and type term := Expr.term and type term_var := Expr.term_var and type term_cst := Expr.term_cst and type formula := Expr.formula
module State : State.S
module Typer : Typer with type state := State.t and type ty := Expr.ty and type ty_var := Expr.ty_var and type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst and type ty_def := Expr.ty_def and type term := Expr.term and type term_var := Expr.term_var and type term_cst := Expr.term_cst and type formula := Expr.formula


include Typer_intf.Types with type state := State.t with type env = Typer.env with type ty := Expr.ty with type ty_var := Expr.ty_var with type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst with type ty_def := Expr.ty_def with type term := Expr.term with type term_var := Expr.term_var with type term_cst := Expr.term_cst with type formula := Expr.formula
type env = Typer.env
val type_check : bool State.key
val init : type_check:bool -> State.t -> State.t


type +'a stmt = {
  1. id : Dolmen.Std.Id.t;
  2. loc : Dolmen.Std.Loc.t;
  3. contents : 'a;
  4. attrs : Dolmen.Std.Term.t list;
  5. implicit : bool;

Wrapper around statements. It records implicit type declarations.

type decl = [
  1. | `Type_decl of Expr.ty_cst * Expr.ty_def option
  2. | `Term_decl of Expr.term_cst

The type of top-level type declarations.

type decls = [
  1. | `Decls of decl list

A list of type declarations.

type def = [
  1. | `Type_alias of Dolmen.Std.Id.t * Expr.ty_cst * Expr.ty_var list * Expr.ty
  2. | `Term_def of Dolmen.Std.Id.t * Expr.term_cst * Expr.ty_var list * Expr.term_var list * Expr.term
  3. | `Instanceof of Dolmen.Std.Id.t * Expr.term_cst * Expr.ty list * Expr.ty_var list * Expr.term_var list * Expr.term

The type of top-level type definitions. Type definitions are inlined and so can be ignored.

type defs = [
  1. | `Defs of def list

A list of definitions

type assume = [
  1. | `Hyp of Expr.formula
  2. | `Goal of Expr.formula
  3. | `Clause of Expr.formula list

The type of top-level assertion statements

type solve = [
  1. | `Solve of Expr.formula list * Expr.formula list

    `Solve (hyps, goals) represents a sequent with local hypotheses hyps and local goals goals.


Top-level solve instruction

type get_info = [
  1. | `Get_info of string
  2. | `Get_option of string
  3. | `Get_proof
  4. | `Get_unsat_core
  5. | `Get_unsat_assumptions
  6. | `Get_model
  7. | `Get_value of Expr.term list
  8. | `Get_assignment
  9. | `Get_assertions
  10. | `Echo of string
  11. | `Other of Dolmen.Std.Id.t * Dolmen.Std.Statement.term list

Various info getters

type set_info = [
  1. | `Set_logic of string * Dolmen_type.Logic.t
  2. | `Set_info of Dolmen.Std.Statement.term
  3. | `Set_option of Dolmen.Std.Statement.term

Info setters

type stack_control = [
  1. | `Pop of int
  2. | `Push of int
  3. | `Reset_assertions
  4. | `Reset

Stack control

type exit = [
  1. | `Exit

Exit statement

type typechecked = [
  1. | defs
  2. | decls
  3. | assume
  4. | solve
  5. | get_info
  6. | set_info
  7. | stack_control
  8. | exit

The type of statements after typechecking

val print : Format.formatter -> typechecked stmt -> unit

Printing funciton for typechecked statements.

Typechecks a statement. This returns a list because some languages have implicit declarations and definitions: for intance, tptp has symbol inferrence (which result in implicit declarations), and smtlib has `:named` annotation (which result in implicit definitions). The list is returned in dependency order: implicits declarations/definitions are first in the list, and they should be in an order such that only later statements can depend on earlier statements.

val typecheck : State.t -> Dolmen.Std.Statement.t -> State.t * [ `Continue of typechecked stmt list | `Done of unit ]

Typechecks a statement.


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