package dns-stub

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

The type representing the internal state of the dual IPv4 and IPv6 stack.

val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t

Disconnect from the dual IPv4 and IPv6 stack. While this might take some time to complete, it can never result in an error.

module UDP : Tcpip.Udp.S with type ipaddr = Ipaddr.t
module TCP : Tcpip.Tcp.S with type ipaddr = Ipaddr.t
module IP : Tcpip.Ip.S with type ipaddr = Ipaddr.t and type prefix = Ipaddr.Prefix.t
val udp : t -> UDP.t

udp t obtains a descriptor for use with the UDP module, usually to transmit traffic.

val tcp : t -> TCP.t

tcp t obtains a descriptor for use with the TCP module, usually to initiate outgoing connections.

val ip : t -> IP.t

ip t obtains a descriptor for use with the IP module, which can handle raw IPv4 and IPv6 frames, or manipulate IP address configuration on the stack interface.

val listen : t -> unit Lwt.t

listen t requests that the stack listen for traffic on the network interface associated with the stack, and demultiplex traffic to the appropriate callbacks.


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