package dns-certify

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val signing_request : [ `host ] Domain_name.t -> ?more_hostnames:[ `raw ] Domain_name.t list -> X509.Private_key.t -> (X509.Signing_request.t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

signing_request name ~more_hostnames key creates a X509 signing request where name will be the common name in its subject, and if more_hostnames is provided and non-empty, name :: more_hostnames will be the value of a subjectAlternativeName extension.

val letsencrypt_name : 'a Domain_name.t -> ([ `raw ] Domain_name.t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

letsencrypt_name host is the service name at which we store let's encrypt certificates for the host.

val is_csr : Dns.Tlsa.t -> bool

is_csr tlsa is true if tlsa is a certificate signing request (cert_usage is Domain_issued_certificate, selector is Private, and matching_type is No_hash).

csr req is the signing request req encoded as TLSA record.

val is_certificate : Dns.Tlsa.t -> bool

is_certificate tlsa is true if tlsa is a certificate (cert_usage is Domain_issued_certificate, selector is Full_certificate, and matching_type is No_hash).

val certificate : X509.Certificate.t -> Dns.Tlsa.t

certificate crt is the certificate crt encoded as TLSA record.

val is_ca_certificate : Dns.Tlsa.t -> bool

is_ca_certificate tlsa is true if tlsa is a CA certificate (cert_usage is CA_constraint, selector is Full_certificate, and matching_type is No_hash).

val ca_certificate : string -> Dns.Tlsa.t

ca_certificate data is the CA certificate data encoded as TLSA record.

val is_name : 'a Domain_name.t -> bool

is_name domain_name is true if it contains the prefix used in this library ("_letsencrypt._tcp").

type u_err = [
  1. | `Tsig of Dns_tsig.e
  2. | `Bad_reply of Dns.Packet.mismatch * Dns.Packet.t
  3. | `Unexpected_reply of Dns.Packet.reply

The type of update errors.

val pp_u_err : u_err Fmt.t

pp_u_err ppf u pretty-prints u on ppf.

val nsupdate : (int -> string) -> (unit -> Ptime.t) -> host:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> keyname:'b Domain_name.t -> zone:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> Dns.Dnskey.t -> X509.Signing_request.t -> (string * (string -> (unit, [> u_err ]) Stdlib.result), [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

nsupdate rng now ~host ~keyname ~zone dnskey csr is a buffer with a DNS update that removes all TLSA records from the given host, and adds a single TLSA record containing the certificate signing request. It also returns a function which decodes a given answer, checks it to be a valid reply, and returns either unit or an error. The outgoing packet is signed with the provided dnskey, the answer is checked to be signed by the same key. If the sign operation fails, nsupdate returns an error.

type q_err = [
  1. | `Decode of Dns.Packet.err
  2. | `Bad_reply of Dns.Packet.mismatch * Dns.Packet.t
  3. | `Unexpected_reply of Dns.Packet.reply
  4. | `No_tlsa

The type for query errors.

val pp_q_err : q_err Fmt.t

pp_q_err ppf q pretty-prints q on ppf.

val cert_matches_csr : ?until:Ptime.t -> Ptime.t -> X509.Signing_request.t -> X509.Certificate.t -> bool

cert_matches_csr ~until now csr cert is true if cert matches the signing request csr, and is valid from now until until (defaults to now). The matching is true if the public key matches, and the set of hostnames in csr and cert are equal. A log message on the info level is emitted if the return value if false.

val query : (int -> string) -> Ptime.t -> [ `host ] Domain_name.t -> X509.Signing_request.t -> (string * (string -> (X509.Certificate.t * X509.Certificate.t list, [> q_err ]) Stdlib.result), [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

query rng now csr is a buffer with a DNS TLSA query for the name of csr, and a function that decodes a given answer, either returning a X.509 certificate valid now and matching csr, and a CA chain, or an error.


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