package devkit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Devkit_core end
module Action = Devkit_core.Action
module Async = Devkit_core.Async
module Bit_struct_list = Devkit_core.Bit_struct_list
module Cache = Devkit_core.Cache
module Control = Devkit_core.Control
module Daemon = Devkit_core.Daemon
module Devkit_ragel = Devkit_core.Devkit_ragel
module Digest_auth = Devkit_core.Digest_auth
module Exn = Devkit_core.Exn
module Exn_lwt = Devkit_core.Exn_lwt
module ExtArg = Devkit_core.ExtArg
module ExtEnum = Devkit_core.ExtEnum
module ExtEnum_merge = Devkit_core.ExtEnum_merge
module ExtThread = Devkit_core.ExtThread
module Factor = Devkit_core.Factor
module FastBase64 = Devkit_core.FastBase64
module Files = Devkit_core.Files
module Gzip_io = Devkit_core.Gzip_io
module Gzip_stream = Devkit_core.Gzip_stream
module HtmlStream = Devkit_core.HtmlStream
module HtmlStream_ragel = Devkit_core.HtmlStream_ragel
module Httpev = Devkit_core.Httpev
module Httpev_common = Devkit_core.Httpev_common
module Idn = Devkit_core.Idn
module Log = Devkit_core.Log
module Logger = Devkit_core.Logger
module Logstash = Devkit_core.Logstash
module Lwt_engines = Devkit_core.Lwt_engines
module Lwt_flag = Devkit_core.Lwt_flag
module Lwt_mark = Devkit_core.Lwt_mark
module Lwt_util = Devkit_core.Lwt_util
module MVar = Devkit_core.MVar
module Memory = Devkit_core.Memory
module Mtq = Devkit_core.Mtq
module Network = Devkit_core.Network
module Nix = Devkit_core.Nix
module Parallel = Devkit_core.Parallel
module Persist = Devkit_core.Persist
module Pid = Devkit_core.Pid
module Prelude = Devkit_core.Prelude
module Reader = Devkit_core.Reader
module Signal = Devkit_core.Signal
module Static_config = Devkit_core.Static_config
module Stre = Devkit_core.Stre
module Systemd = Devkit_core.Systemd
module Time = Devkit_core.Time
module UnsafeBitSet = Devkit_core.UnsafeBitSet
module Var = Devkit_core.Var
module Web = Devkit_core.Web
include module type of struct include Prelude end
module U = Prelude.U
module Enum = Prelude.Enum
val ($) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b

function composition : f $ g is equivalent to (fun x -> f (g x))

val ($$) : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'c -> 'b

2-function composition : f $$ g is equivalent to (fun x y -> f (g x) (g y))

val id : 'a -> 'a


val identity : 'a -> 'a


val flip : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c

reverse arguments, flip f x y is equivalent to f y x

val apply2 : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a * 'a) -> 'b * 'b

map over 2-tuple

val some : 'a -> 'a option

some x is equivalent to Some x

val const : 'a -> unit -> 'a
  • returns

    function returning given value

val curry : (('a * 'b) -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
  • returns

    curried version from function of tuple

val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) -> 'c
  • returns

    function of tuple from curried function

val (!!) : 'a Stdlib.Lazy.t -> 'a


val printfn : ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

printf to stdout with newline

val eprintfn : ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

printf to stderr with newline

module Fresh = Prelude.Fresh

abstract type generator

val tuck : 'a list Stdlib.ref -> 'a -> unit
val cons : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
val (+=) : int Stdlib.ref -> int -> unit
val (-=) : int Stdlib.ref -> int -> unit
val round : float -> float
val atoi : string -> string -> int

atoi name value

  • returns

    integer of string value

  • raises Failure

    if value is not an integer (with name and value in exception message)

val call_me_maybe : ('a -> unit) option -> 'a -> unit

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