package core_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library


Dune Dependency






The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.

Core_kernel is the system-independent part of Core.

Published: 21 Mar 2022

Dependencies (7)

  1. dune >= "2.0.0"
  2. base-threads
  3. ppx_jane >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  4. int_repr >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  5. core >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  6. base >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  7. ocaml >= "4.11.0"

Dev Dependencies


  1. alcotest-async < "1.0.0"
  2. async = "v0.15.0"
  3. async_durable = "v0.15.0"
  4. async_extra = "v0.15.0"
  5. async_kernel = "v0.15.0"
  6. async_unix = "v0.15.0"
  7. async_websocket = "v0.15.0"
  8. bap-abi >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  9. bap-analyze != "2.4.0"
  10. bap-api >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  11. bap-arm >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  12. bap-beagle >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  13. bap-beagle-strings != "2.4.0"
  14. bap-bil >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  15. bap-build >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  16. bap-bundle >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  17. bap-byteweight >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  18. bap-byteweight-frontend >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  19. bap-c >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  20. bap-cache >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  21. bap-callgraph-collator != "2.4.0"
  22. bap-core-theory >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  23. bap-demangle >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  24. bap-dependencies != "2.4.0"
  25. bap-disassemble >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  26. bap-dump-symbols >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  27. bap-dwarf >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  28. bap-elf >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  29. bap-frontend >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  30. bap-future >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  31. bap-ghidra >= "2.5.0"
  32. bap-glibc-runtime >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  33. bap-ida >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  34. bap-ida-plugin >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  35. bap-knowledge >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  36. bap-llvm >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  37. bap-mc >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  38. bap-microx >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  39. bap-mips >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  40. bap-objdump >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  41. bap-optimization >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  42. bap-patterns >= "2.5.0"
  43. bap-phoenix >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  44. bap-plugins >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  45. bap-powerpc >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  46. bap-primus >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  47. bap-primus-lisp >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  48. bap-primus-loader != "2.4.0"
  49. bap-primus-powerpc >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  50. bap-primus-print != "2.4.0"
  51. bap-primus-propagate-taint != "2.4.0"
  52. bap-primus-random >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  53. bap-primus-symbolic-executor >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  54. bap-primus-systems >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  55. bap-print >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  56. bap-radare2 != "2.4.0"
  57. bap-raw >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  58. bap-relocatable >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  59. bap-riscv != "2.4.0"
  60. bap-specification != "2.4.0"
  61. bap-std >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  62. bap-strings >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  63. bap-stub-resolver >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  64. bap-symbol-reader >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  65. bap-systemz != "2.4.0"
  66. bap-taint >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  67. bap-term-mapper >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  68. bap-thumb != "2.4.0"
  69. bap-trace >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  70. bap-traces >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  71. bap-x86 >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  72. bare >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  73. bio_io >= "0.3.0" & < "0.5.1"
  74. biocaml >= "0.11.0" & < "0.11.2"
  75. biotk = "0.2.0"
  76. bonsai >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  77. capnp >= "3.0.0" & < "3.2.0"
  78. caqti-async >= "1.3.0" & < "1.9.0"
  79. cfstream >= "1.3.1"
  80. clp_operations
  81. comby-semantic
  82. core_bench = "v0.15.0"
  83. core_compat
  84. core_profiler = "v0.15.0"
  85. core_unix >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  86. cstruct-async >= "3.0.2" & < "6.1.0"
  87. dbf = "0.1.1"
  88. ecaml = "v0.15.0"
  89. email_message = "v0.15.0"
  90. file_path < "v0.16.0"
  91. flow_parser = "0.159.0"
  92. fzf < "v0.16.0"
  93. git < "1.3.0"
  94. graphlib >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  95. hack_parallel = "1.0.0"
  96. hg_lib < "v0.16.0"
  97. incremental = "v0.15.0"
  98. irmin < "0.9.0"
  99. jsonxt
  100. lablqt
  101. libsvm = "0.9.3" | >= "0.10.0"
  102. memtrace_viewer = "v0.15.0"
  103. monads >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  104. ocaml_plugin >= "v0.15.0"
  105. ogre >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  106. oloop
  107. opium >= "0.12.0" & < "0.15.0"
  108. patdiff = "v0.15.0"
  109. pgx_value_core
  110. plotkicadsch >= "0.5.0" & < "0.7.0"
  111. polars
  112. portmidi
  113. postgres_async = "v0.15.0"
  114. ppx_css < "v0.16.0"
  115. prc
  116. pyml_bindgen < "0.4.1"
  117. randoml
  118. re2 = "v0.15.0"
  119. reddit_api_kernel
  120. redis-async < "v0.16.0"
  121. reed-solomon-erasure
  122. regular >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  123. rpc_parallel = "v0.15.0"
  124. SZXX < "3.0.0"
  125. sexp = "v0.15.0"
  126. sociaml-facebook-api
  127. sociaml-oauth-client
  128. sociaml-tumblr-api >= "0.2.0"
  129. text-tags >= "2.2.0" & != "2.4.0"
  130. textutils = "v0.15.0"
  131. tidy >= "5.6-0.1"
  132. topology >= "0.4.0"
  133. tracing < "v0.16.0"
  134. travesty >= "0.3.0" & < "0.6.0"
  135. vcaml = "v0.15.0"
  136. zstandard = "v0.15.0"




Innovation. Community. Security.