package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type S = sig ... end
module type S1 = sig ... end
module type Key = sig ... end
module type Data = sig ... end
module Type_id_key : Key with type 'a t = 'a Base.Type_equal.Id.t
include S with type 'a data = 'a and module Key := Type_id_key
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type 'a data = 'a
include Base.Invariant.S with type t := t
val invariant : t -> unit
val empty : t
val singleton : 'a Type_id_key.t -> 'a data -> t
val is_empty : t -> Base.bool
val set : t -> key:'a Type_id_key.t -> data:'a data -> t
val mem : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> Base.bool
val mem_by_id : t -> Base.Type_equal.Id.Uid.t -> Base.bool
val find : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> 'a data Base.option
val find_exn : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> 'a data
val add : t -> key:'a Type_id_key.t -> data:'a data -> [ `Ok of t | `Duplicate ]
val add_exn : t -> key:'a Type_id_key.t -> data:'a data -> t
val change : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> f:('a data Base.option -> 'a data Base.option) -> t
val change_exn : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> f:('a data -> 'a data) -> t
val update : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> f:('a data Base.option -> 'a data) -> t
val remove : t -> 'a Type_id_key.t -> t
val remove_by_id : t -> Base.Type_equal.Id.Uid.t -> t
module Packed : sig ... end
val to_alist : t -> Packed.t Base.list

to_alist t returns all values in t, in increasing order of key type-id name.

val of_alist_exn : Packed.t Base.list -> t
val find_packed_by_id : t -> Base.Type_equal.Id.Uid.t -> Packed.t Base.option
val find_packed_by_id_exn : t -> Base.Type_equal.Id.Uid.t -> Packed.t
module Key = Base.Type_equal.Id

This binding is convenient because existing call sites often refer to Univ_map.Key.create.

module Make (Key : Key) (Data : Data) : S with type 'a data = 'a Data.t and module Key = Key
module Make1 (Key : Key) (Data : sig ... end) : S1 with type ('s, 'a) data = ('s, 'a) Data.t and module Key = Key
module Merge (Key : Key) (Input1_data : Data) (Input2_data : Data) (Output_data : Data) : sig ... end
module Merge1 (Key : Key) (Input1_data : sig ... end) (Input2_data : sig ... end) (Output_data : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module With_default : sig ... end

keys with associated default values, so that find is no longer partial

module With_fold : sig ... end

keys that map to an accumulator value with an associated fold operation

module Multi : sig ... end

list-accumulating keys with a default value of the empty list


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