package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception Bound
type debug =
  1. | Debug
  2. | Info
  3. | Off
val secvars_of_hyps : ('c, 't) -> Names.Id.Pred.t
val empty_hint_info : 'a Vernacexpr.hint_info_gen
type !'a hint_ast =
  1. | Res_pf of 'a
  2. | ERes_pf of 'a
  3. | Give_exact of 'a
  4. | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of 'a
  5. | Unfold_nth of Names.evaluable_global_reference
  6. | Extern of Genarg.glob_generic_argument
type hint
type !'a hints_path_atom_gen =
  1. | PathHints of 'a list
  2. | PathAny
type hint_db_name = string
type !'a with_metadata = private {
  1. pri : int;
  2. poly : Decl_kinds.polymorphic;
  3. pat : Pattern.constr_pattern option;
  4. name : hints_path_atom;
  5. db : hint_db_name option;
  6. secvars : Names.Id.Pred.t;
  7. code : 'a;
type full_hint = hint with_metadata
type search_entry
type hint_entry
type !'a hints_path_gen =
  1. | PathAtom of 'a hints_path_atom_gen
  2. | PathStar of 'a hints_path_gen
  3. | PathSeq of 'a hints_path_gen * 'a hints_path_gen
  4. | PathOr of 'a hints_path_gen * 'a hints_path_gen
  5. | PathEmpty
  6. | PathEpsilon
type pre_hints_path = Libnames.reference hints_path_gen
val normalize_path : hints_path -> hints_path
val path_matches : hints_path -> hints_path_atom list -> bool
val path_derivate : hints_path -> hints_path_atom -> hints_path
val pp_hints_path_gen : ('a -> Pp.t) -> 'a hints_path_gen -> Pp.t
val pp_hints_path_atom : ('a -> Pp.t) -> 'a hints_path_atom_gen -> Pp.t
val pp_hints_path : hints_path -> Pp.t
val pp_hint_mode : Vernacexpr.hint_mode -> Pp.t
module Hint_db : sig ... end
type hint_db = Hint_db.t
type hnf = bool
type hint_term =
  1. | IsGlobRef of Globnames.global_reference
  2. | IsConstr of EConstr.constr * Univ.ContextSet.t
type hints_entry =
  1. | HintsResolveEntry of (hint_info * Decl_kinds.polymorphic * hnf * hints_path_atom * hint_term) list
  2. | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * Decl_kinds.polymorphic * hint_term) list
  3. | HintsCutEntry of hints_path
  4. | HintsUnfoldEntry of Names.evaluable_global_reference list
  5. | HintsTransparencyEntry of Names.evaluable_global_reference list * bool
  6. | HintsModeEntry of Globnames.global_reference * Vernacexpr.hint_mode list
  7. | HintsExternEntry of hint_info * Genarg.glob_generic_argument
val searchtable_map : hint_db_name -> hint_db
val searchtable_add : (hint_db_name * hint_db) -> unit
val create_hint_db : bool -> hint_db_name -> Names.transparent_state -> bool -> unit
val remove_hints : bool -> hint_db_name list -> Globnames.global_reference list -> unit
val current_db_names : unit -> Util.String.Set.t
val current_pure_db : unit -> hint_db list
val add_hints : Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> hint_db_name list -> hints_entry -> unit
val prepare_hint : bool -> (bool * bool) -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (Evd.evar_map * EConstr.constr) -> hint_term
val make_apply_entry : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (bool * bool * bool) -> hint_info -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> ?name:hints_path_atom -> (EConstr.constr * EConstr.types * Univ.ContextSet.t) -> hint_entry
val make_resolves : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (bool * bool * bool) -> hint_info -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> ?name:hints_path_atom -> hint_term -> hint_entry list
val make_resolve_hyp : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.named_declaration -> hint_entry list
val make_extern : int -> Pattern.constr_pattern option -> Genarg.glob_generic_argument -> hint_entry
val repr_hint : hint -> (raw_hint * Clenv.clausenv) hint_ast
val make_local_hint_db : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> ?ts:Names.transparent_state -> bool -> Tactypes.delayed_open_constr list -> hint_db
val make_db_list : hint_db_name list -> hint_db list
val typeclasses_db : hint_db_name
val rewrite_db : hint_db_name
val pr_searchtable : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Pp.t
val pr_applicable_hint : unit -> Pp.t
val pr_hint_db_by_name : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> hint_db_name -> Pp.t
val pr_hint_db_env : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Hint_db.t -> Pp.t
val pr_hint_db : Hint_db.t -> Pp.t
  • deprecated please used pr_hint_db_env
val pr_hint : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> hint -> Pp.t
val add_hints_init : (unit -> unit) -> unit

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