package comby

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Printer : sig ... end
type interactive_review = {
  1. editor : string;
  2. default_is_accept : bool;
type output_options = {
  1. color : bool;
  2. json_lines : bool;
  3. json_only_diff : bool;
  4. overwrite_file_in_place : bool;
  5. diff : bool;
  6. stdout : bool;
  7. substitute_in_place : bool;
  8. count : bool;
  9. interactive_review : interactive_review option;
type anonymous_arguments = {
  1. match_template : string;
  2. rewrite_template : string;
  3. file_filters : string list option;
type user_input_options = {
  1. rule : string;
  2. stdin : bool;
  3. templates : string list option;
  4. anonymous_arguments : anonymous_arguments option;
  5. file_filters : string list option;
  6. zip_file : string option;
  7. match_only : bool;
  8. target_directory : string;
  9. directory_depth : int option;
  10. exclude_directory_prefix : string list;
  11. exclude_file_prefix : string list;
  12. custom_metasyntax : string option;
  13. custom_matcher : string option;
  14. override_matcher : string option;
  15. regex_pattern : bool;
  16. ripgrep_args : string option;
type compute_mode = [
  1. | `Sequential
  2. | `Hack_parallel of int
  3. | `Parany of int
type run_options = {
  1. verbose : bool;
  2. match_timeout : int;
  3. dump_statistics : bool;
  4. substitute_in_place : bool;
  5. disable_substring_matching : bool;
  6. omega : bool;
  7. fast_offset_conversion : bool;
  8. match_newline_toplevel : bool;
  9. bound_count : int option;
  10. compute_mode : compute_mode;
type user_input = {
  1. input_options : user_input_options;
  2. run_options : run_options;
  3. output_options : output_options;
type t = {
  1. sources : Command_input.t;
  2. specifications : Specification.t list;
  3. run_options : run_options;
  4. output_printer : Printer.t;
  5. interactive_review : interactive_review option;
  6. matcher : (module Matchers.Matcher.S);
  7. extension : string option;
  8. metasyntax : Matchers.Metasyntax.t option;
val create : user_input -> t Core.Or_error.t

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