package cohttp_static_handler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

Represents a single page handler's generated index page.

val default : t

A handler created using default serves a boilerplate index page.

val default_with_body_div : div_id:string -> t

A handler created using default_with_body_div ~div_id serves a boilerplate index page that has a div within the body tag with the given div_id.

val create : body:string -> t

A handler created using create body serves a page where body is wrapped in an html tag alongside a head tag. Users must provide the actual body tags themselves.

val create_handler : ?log:Async.Log.t -> ?title:string -> ?metadata:(string * string) list -> t -> assets:Asset.t list -> on_unknown_url:[ `Not_found | `Index ] -> Http_handler.t

create_handler ?log ?title ?metadata t ~assets ~on_unknown_url returns a handler that serves the provided assets, along with an index page based on t that loads the assets.

assets will be included in the page via link or script declarations as appropriate for the type of asset.

Depending on on_unknown_url, it will satisfy requests for unrecognized paths with:

  • `Not_found: a 404 error page
  • `Index: the index page

This is useful for incr_dom/single-page javascript applications; ~on_unknown_url:`Index is important for applications that intend to do client-side routing.

Requests are logged to log, which defaults to Log.Global.log.

Setting title changes the page title displayed in the browser's title bar.

Setting metadata adds additional "meta" tags from pairs of (name * content).


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