package cloudi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Pid : sig ... end
module Port : sig ... end
module Reference : sig ... end
module Function : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | OtpErlangInteger of int
  2. | OtpErlangIntegerBig of Big_int_Z.big_int
  3. | OtpErlangFloat of float
  4. | OtpErlangAtom of string
  5. | OtpErlangAtomUTF8 of string
  6. | OtpErlangAtomCacheRef of int
  7. | OtpErlangAtomBool of bool
  8. | OtpErlangString of string
  9. | OtpErlangBinary of string
  10. | OtpErlangBinaryBits of string * int
  11. | OtpErlangList of t list
  12. | OtpErlangListImproper of t list
  13. | OtpErlangTuple of t list
  14. | OtpErlangMap of (t, t) Hashtbl.t
  15. | OtpErlangPid of Pid.t
  16. | OtpErlangPort of Port.t
  17. | OtpErlangReference of Reference.t
  18. | OtpErlangFunction of Function.t
val binary_to_term : string -> (t, string) result
val term_to_binary : t -> (string, string) result
val t_to_string : t -> string
val print_binary : string -> unit
val tests : (string * (unit -> bool)) list

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