package clap

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Simple command-line argument parsing.

Argument Kinds

On the command-line, there are several kinds of arguments:

  • unnamed arguments, such as depth or \--depth or \\depth, which do not start with a dash, or are exactly a single dash, and if they start with a backslash, this backslash is removed (so \--depth means --depth, which is unnamed even though without the backslash it starts with a dash);
  • long-named arguments, such as --depth, which start with two dashes;
  • short-named arguments, such as -d, which start with a dash and which can be grouped together (-abc is the same as -a -b -c).

The functions below allow to specify argument names with long and short. If neither long nor short is given, the argument is unnamed. If long is given, the argument can be given on the command-line using the long name "--" ^ long. If short is given, the argument can be given on the command-line using the short name (a dash followed by short, possibly among others).

At the beginning of the execution of your program, Sys.argv is put in an internal list, called the list of remaining arguments. The functions below will consume arguments from this list. Removed arguments will not be read by future consumers, as they no longer exist.

You must consume unnamed arguments *after* the named arguments which can appear before them. For instance, in --depth 42 filename.txt, is the next unnamed argument 42 or filename.txt? Until Clap knows whether --depth is the name of an argument or a flag, it doesn't know. But if you read --depth first, there is no issue.

To prevent confusion, if you try to consume an unnamed argument, it must be the first in the list of remaining arguments. If this list is --depth 42 filename.txt for instance, trying to read an unnamed argument will cause an error saying that --depth is an invalid value for this argument (since it is not unnamed).

A consequence of that is that is if you are trying to make subcommands (a la Git), you must read all global options first, then the subcommand as an unnamed argument, and then you may read the remaining options. Contrary to Git though, global options will be allowed after the subcommand name.


val description : string -> unit

Set the contents of the DESCRIPTION section of --help.

If you use subcommands, this description is used when no subcommand has been selected. Otherwise, the description of the selected case is used.

Custom Types

type 'a typ

Custom type descriptions.

val typ : name:string -> dummy:'a -> parse:(string -> 'a option) -> show:('a -> string) -> 'a typ

Make a custom type.

The dummy value is returned for missing mandatory arguments, or for arguments which are given invalid values.

The parse function is used to parse arguments. It shall return None if parsing fails, i.e. if the argument is invalid.

The show function is used to display default values in the help.

The name is used in errors if parse returns None.

val enum : ?compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> string -> (string * 'a) list -> 'a typ

Make an enum type.

Usage: enum name cases

Same as typ ~name ~default ~parse ~show where:

  • the default value is the first value of cases;
  • the parse and show functions find the first matching cases and return the associated value.

Do not use this to make subcommands; use subcommand instead. It produces a better output for --help.

Function compare is used by show to find the name of the value to show. It defaults to

The following types are built-in types that you probably do not need to use directly. Instead of writing Clap.(mandatory string) or Clap.mandatory Clap.string for instance you can just write Clap.mandatory_string.

val string : string typ

String arguments (no parsing).

val int : int typ

Integer arguments (parsed with int_of_string_opt).

val float : float typ

Float arguments (parsed with float_of_string_opt).

Mandatory Arguments

The following functions consume a mandatory argument.

If last is false, only consume the first occurrence. Other occurrences are preserved.

If last is true, consume all occurrences and return the last. All occurrences are removed and will not be read again. All occurrences must be valid. For unnamed arguments, this stops at the first argument which starts with a dash. For instance, reading an unnamed arguments with last set to true in a b c --plop d e f returns c and leaves --plop d e f in the list of remaining arguments. This is why one normally parses unnamed arguments after named ones, so that named arguments have all been consumed already.

Default value for last is false for unnamed arguments and true for other arguments. This allows to override values of named arguments by specifying the argument again.

Arguments can be given a placeholder, which defaults to "VALUE". It is used in the generated help and some error messages. It is usually in uppercase.

Arguments can also be given a description, used in the generated help.

If the argument is missing or its value is invalid, these functions return a dummy value. This is so that your program execution can still reach close to display help for all arguments.

val mandatory_string : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> string

Read a mandatory string argument.

val mandatory_int : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> int

Read a mandatory integer argument.

val mandatory_float : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> float

Read a mandatory float argument.

val mandatory : 'a typ -> ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> 'a

Read a mandatory argument of a custom type.

Optional Arguments

The following functions are similar to mandatory arguments above, but they return None if the argument is missing instead of causing an error.

val optional_string : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> string option

Read an optional string argument.

val optional_int : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> int option

Read an optional integer argument.

val optional_float : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> float option

Read an optional float argument.

val optional : 'a typ -> ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> 'a option

Read an optional argument of a custom type.

Optional Arguments With Default Values

The following functions are similar to optional arguments above, but they return the given default value if the argument is missing.

val default_string : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> string -> string

Read an optional string argument with a default value.

val default_int : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> int -> int

Read an optional integer argument with a default value.

val default_float : ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> float -> float

Read an optional float argument with a default value.

val default : 'a typ -> ?last:bool -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> 'a -> 'a

Read an optional argument of a custom type with a default value.

Lists of Arguments

The following functions read all occurrences of an argument.

For unnamed arguments, this stops at the first argument which starts with a dash. For instance, reading the list of unnamed arguments in a b c --plop d e f returns a b c and leaves --plop d e f in the list of remaining arguments. This is why one normally parses unnamed arguments after named ones, so that named arguments have all been consumed already.

val list_string : ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> string list

Read repeated string arguments.

val list_int : ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> int list

Read repeated integer arguments.

val list_float : ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> float list

Read repeated float arguments.

val list : 'a typ -> ?long:string -> ?short:char -> ?description:string -> ?placeholder:string -> unit -> 'a list

Read repeated arguments of a custom type.


val flag : ?last:bool -> ?set_long:string -> ?set_short:char -> ?unset_long:string -> ?unset_short:char -> ?description:string -> bool -> bool

Read a boolean value.

Usage: flag default

If last is false, find the first occurrence of set_long, set_short, unset_long or unset_short and consume it. Return true if set_long or set_short was found, false if unset_long or unset_short was found.

If last is true (which is the default), find all occurrences of set_long, set_short, unset_long or unset_short and consume then. Return true if set_long or set_short is the last occurrence, false if unset_long or unset_short is the last occurrence.

If no occurrence is found, return default.


type 'a case

Subcommand cases.

val case : ?description:string -> string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a case

Make a subcommand case.

Usage: case command f

If the value of the subcommand argument is command, trigger f.

val default_case : ?description:string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a case

Make a default subcommand case.

Used if the subcommand argument was not specified by the user. If you don't provide a default case and the user does not specify a command, subcommand causes an error.

The default case is not used if the user gave an invalid subcommand argument. An error is emitted instead. The default case is for the absence of an argument, not for an invalid argument.

type never_returns

An inhabited type denoting that a function never returns.

Used by subcommand callbacks to make sure that they exit or raise an exception, since there is no way to build a value type never_returns.

val subcommand : ?on_help:(unit -> never_returns) -> ?on_error:(string -> never_returns) -> ?placeholder:string -> 'a case list -> 'a

Read a subcommand.

Subcommands are unnamed string arguments. They are mandatory unless there is a default_case. They are similar to enums except that they usually allow additional parameters which are specific to each subcommand. Each subcommand case causes a specific function to be called, which can read those specific arguments.

The first matching case in the list is used. If another case matches, it is ignored.

You can call close in each case function, or after the call to subcommand. In the first case, this means that case functions can use argument values themselves. In the second case, this means that case functions will probably just return a variant describing the command, that you will pattern-match outside of subcommand.

Note that if the user did not specify a valid command, subcommand automatically calls close with on_help and on_error. Indeed, Arg assumes that the remaining arguments are command-specific, and that without a valid command, there won't be any. The default values for on_help and on_error are the same as the default values of close itself. The type is slightly different though: subcommand requires those callbacks to exit or raise an exception.

Default placeholder is "COMMAND".

End of Parsing

val close : ?on_help:(unit -> unit) -> ?on_error:(string -> unit) -> unit -> unit

Check that the list of remaining arguments is empty and that no error occurred.

If not, and unless --help is one of the remaining arguments, call on_error. The default is to print help, print an error, and exit with code 1.

If --help is one of the remaining arguments, call on_help. The default is to print help and exit with code 0.

You must call this function before using the values of your arguments. Otherwise they may contain dummy values. For instance, in a mandatory string argument is missing, it will contain the empty string; and if an integer argument contains an invalid integer, it will contain 0 instead. Calling close would cause your program to exit instead. It also prevents the program from running in case the user added an unused argument by mistake, for instance if he mispelled one of them.

The reason errors do not cause the program to exit before close is to be able to output the full help even if the user does not give valid arguments.

There are exceptions to this rule: arguments which cannot trigger errors can be used before close. This means arguments which are not mandatory and for which the parser cannot fail. In practice, this is limited to optional, default, list, and only for the string type (i.e. optional_string, default_string and list_string) or custom types for which the parsing function always accepts its input.

val error : string -> unit

Emit an error to be displayed by close.

Only the first error is kept. Other errors are ignored.

You may perform some checks on arguments before calling close and emit an error if those checks fail. Remember though that if an argument is already invalid (or missing), the value you get is a dummy value, so your check is probably meaningless. That being said, if this happens error will already have been called and your error will be ignored.

If possible, it is usually better to use mandatory, optional or default with a custom conversion function. Indeed, if the argument is specified multiple times, this will allow you to emit an error if any of the specified values is invalid. Otherwise, and especially with setting last to true, some invalid values could be ignored.


val init : string list -> unit

Initialize command-line argument parsing.

Usage: init arguments

Reset parsing, starting from arguments as the list of remaining arguments. The description, current error and the set of arguments (used to produce the --help) is also reset.

This is automatically called with Sys.argv, converted to a list and without the first element (which is not an argument but the executable name). If you just want to parse actual command-line options, you thus do not need to call init. Call init yourself to override the list of arguments, or if you want to parse several lists of arguments, possibly in a different way.


val help : ?out:(string -> unit) -> ?style:bool -> unit -> unit

Output help as if --help was given.

Only call this after all arguments have been, i.e. at the same place you would call close. Note that close automatically calls help if one of the remaining arguments is --help.

Output using out, which is prerr_string by default.

If style is true, use ANSI escape codes. Default value is true if it appears that the output handles such codes.


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