package camlimages

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Ximage end
type elt = int

ximage data structure with size information

type t = Ximage.t = {
  1. width : int;
  2. height : int;
  3. data : Gdk.image;
val destroy : t -> unit

You need manual destroy

val create : kind:Gdk.Image.image_type -> visual:Gdk.visual -> width:int -> height:int -> t

Same as Gdk.Image.create, but with size info

val unsafe_get : t -> int -> int -> elt
val unsafe_set : t -> int -> int -> elt -> unit
val get : t -> int -> int -> elt
val set : t -> int -> int -> elt -> unit
val get_image : [> `drawable ] Gobject.obj -> x:int -> y:int -> width:int -> height:int -> t
val of_image : Gdk.visual -> (float -> unit) option -> Images.t -> t
val get_mono_gc : Gdk.window -> Gdk.gc
val plain_mask : Gdk.window -> int -> int -> Gdk.bitmap
val pixmap_of : Gdk.window -> t -> Gdk.pixmap
val mask_of_image : Gdk.window -> Images.t -> Gdk.bitmap option
val pixmap_of_image : Gdk.window -> (float -> unit) option -> Images.t -> GDraw.pixmap
module Truecolor = Ximage.Truecolor

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