package bisect_ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module provides runtime support for Bisect. Instrumented programs should hence be linked with this module.

Each instrumented file creates an array of counters, one for each point in that file. It then registers the array with this runtime module. Upon program exit (using at_exit), this module dumps the accumulated counts from all the arrays into an output file.

The default base name for the output file is bisect in the current directory, but another base name can be specified using the BISECT_FILE environment variable. The actual file name is the first non-existing <base><n>.coverage file where base is the base name and n a natural number value padded with zeroes to 4 digits (i.e. "0001", "0002", and so on).

Another environment variable can be used to customize the behaviour of Bisect: BISECT_SILENT. If this variable is set to YES or ON (ignoring case), then Bisect will not output any message. Otherwise, Bisect will output a message in two situations:

  • when the output file cannot be created at program termination;
  • when the data cannot be written at program termination. If BISECT_SILENT is set to ERR (ignoring case), these error messages are routed to stderr, otherwise BISECT_SILENT is used to determine a filename for this output. The default value is bisect.log.

If the environment variable BISECT_SIGTERM is set to true, then the runtime will install a signal handler for SIGTERM, writing coverage output before terminating.

Because instrumented modules refer to Bisect, one is advised to link this module as one of the first ones of the program.

Since the counts output file and log file are, by default, relative to the current working directory, an instrumented process should be careful about changing its working directory, or else BISECT_FILE and BISECT_SILENT should be specified with absolute paths.

val register_file : bisect_file:string option -> bisect_silent:string option -> bisect_sigterm:bool -> filename:string -> points:int array -> [ `Visit of int -> unit ]

register_file ~bisect_file ~bisect_silent ~bisect_sigterm file ~point_count ~point_definitions indicates that the file file is part of the application that has been instrumented. point_definitions is a serialized Common.point_definition list giving the locations of all points in the file. The returned callback is used to increment visitation counts. bisect_file (resp. bisect_silent and bisect_sigterm) is a default value for the environment variable BISECT_FILE (resp. BISECT_SIGTERM and BISECT_SIGTERM).

val get_coverage_data : unit -> string option

Returns the binary coverage data accumulated by the program so far. This should eventually be written to a file, to be processed by bisect-ppx-report.

val write_coverage_data : unit -> unit

On Node.js, writes the same coverage data that is returned by get_coverage_data to a .coverage file with a randomized name in the current directory.

val dump_counters_exn : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit

dump_counters_exn channel dumps the runtime coverage counters to the specified channel.

An exception is raised if writing is not successful

val reset_counters : unit -> unit

reset_counters () will reset the runtime coverage counters.


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