package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Ranges of contiguous integers (integer intervals).

A range is a contiguous sequence of integers from a lower bound to an (excluded) upper bound.

Note: this module is adapted from biocaml 0.8

type t = private {
  1. lo : int;
  2. hi : int;

Type of a range.

include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t -> t -> int
include Sexplib0.Sexpable.S with type t := t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0__.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0__.Sexp.t
val make_exn : lo:int -> hi:int -> t

make_exn ~lo ~hi builds the range [lo ; hi[. In particular the range is empty if lo = hi. Raises Invalid_argument if lo > hi.

val size : t -> int

size v returns the number of integers in v, i.e. v.hi - v.lo.

val member : t -> int -> bool

member t k returns true if t contains k.

val to_string : t -> string

String representation of an range, intended only for human legibility.

val to_list : t -> int list

to_list v returns the set of integers contained in v, in ascending order.

val overlap : t -> t -> int

overlap u v returns amount of overlap between two ranges. A positive value indicates number of integers common to u and v. A negative value indicates the number of integers in between non-overlapping ranges. A zero value means the ranges are exactly adjacent to each other. The relation is symmetric.

Set Operations
val union : t -> t -> [ `Joint of t | `Disjoint of t * t ]

union u v returns the range(s) representing the union of u and v. If u and v overlap, their union can be represented as a single range. If not, their union is a disjoint combination of two ranges.

val intersect : t -> t -> t option

intersect u v returns the range representing the intersection of u and v. Return None if intersection is empty.

Positional Range

Positional means an range is viewed as coming either before or after another.

val before : t -> t -> bool

before u v is true if strict_before u v || equal u v.

val after : t -> t -> bool

after u v is equivalent to before v u.

val strict_before : t -> t -> bool

strict_before u v is true if u.lo < v.lo && u.hi < v.hi.

val strict_after : t -> t -> bool

strict_after u v is equivalent to strict_before v u.

val compare_positional : t -> t -> int option

compare_positional u v returns -1 if u is strictly before v, 0 if u is equal to v, +1 if u is strictly after v, and returns None otherwise.

Containment Range

Containment means a range is viewed as being inside, or a subset of, another.

val subset : t -> t -> bool

subset u v is true if u is a subset of v.

val superset : t -> t -> bool

superset u v is true if u is a superset of v.

val strict_subset : t -> t -> bool

strict_subset u v is true if u is a strict subset of v.

val strict_superset : t -> t -> bool

strict_superset u v is true if u is a strict superset of v.

val compare_containment : t -> t -> int option

compare_containment u v returns -1 if u is a strict subset of v, 0 if u is equal to v, +1 if u is a strict superset of v, and returns None otherwise.

val relative_position : t -> wrt:t -> [ `Before | `Before_with_intersection | `Included | `Equal | `Contains | `After_with_intersection | `After ]
val convex_hull : t -> t -> t

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