package base_trie

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Key : Base.Comparator.S with type t = Base.char with type comparator_witness = Base.Char.comparator_witness

Keychain elements are usable as keys into ordered collections.

module Iterator = Iterator.Of_string

Keychains support iteration over each key in the chain.

type t = Iterator.seq

The type of a keychain.

type keychain_witness

A phantom type identifying the keychainable implementation.

type keychain_description = keychain_witness * Key.t * Key.comparator_witness * Iterator.t * Iterator.iterator_witness

A compound type used in the Keychainable.t argument normally hidden by a GADT.

val keychainable : (t, keychain_description) t

The implementation of the keychain type.


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