package babel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

High level functions for working with callers in the style of Async.Rpc.Pipe_rpc.dispatch_iter.

module Id : Core.T
val dispatch_multi : ('q, 'r, 'e) dispatch t -> Async_rpc_kernel.Versioned_rpc.Connection_with_menu.t -> ('q, 'r, 'e) dispatch

Determine which supported dispatch strategy to use and invoke the chosen rpcs. To unsubscribe, you can use abort.

val singleton : ('q, 'r, 'e) Async_rpc_kernel.Rpc.Pipe_rpc.t -> ('q, 'r, 'e) dispatch t

Create a new caller supporting a single rpc.

val add : ('q, 'r, 'e) dispatch t -> rpc:('q, 'r, 'e) Async_rpc_kernel.Rpc.Pipe_rpc.t -> ('q, 'r, 'e) dispatch t

Add support for dispatching another rpc. dispatch_multi will prefer this rpc over the ones the caller already supports.

val map_query : ('q1, 'r, 'e) dispatch t -> f:('q2 -> 'q1) -> ('q2, 'r, 'e) dispatch t

A specialization of map for the query type of a protocol.

val map_response : ('q, 'r1, 'e) dispatch t -> f:('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('q, 'r2, 'e) dispatch t

A specialization of map for the response type of a protocol.

val map_error : ('q, 'r, 'e1) dispatch t -> f:('e1 -> 'e2) -> ('q, 'r, 'e2) dispatch t

A specialization of map for the error type of a protocol.

val abort : Id.t -> unit

Given the Id.t returned from dispatch_multi, cancel the subscription.


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