package aws-s3-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Lwt aware S3 commands. For API documentation

include sig ... end
type error =
  1. | Redirect of Aws_s3.Region.t
  2. | Throttled
  3. | Unknown of int * string
  4. | Failed of exn
  5. | Not_found
type etag = string
type storage_class =
  1. | Standard
  2. | Standard_ia
  3. | Onezone_ia
  4. | Reduced_redundancy
  5. | Glacier
type content = {
  1. storage_class : storage_class;
  2. size : int;
  3. last_modified : float;
  4. key : string;
  5. etag : etag;
type nonrec 'a result = ('a, error) result Io.Deferred.t
type !'a command = ?scheme:[ `Http | `Https ] -> ?credentials:Aws_s3.Credentials.t -> ?region:Aws_s3.Region.t -> 'a
module Ls : sig ... end
module Delete_multi : sig ... end
type range = {
  1. first : int option;
  2. last : int option;
val set_connection_type : Unix.socket_domain -> unit
val put : (?content_type:string -> ?content_encoding:string -> ?acl:string -> ?cache_control:string -> ?expect:bool -> bucket:string -> key:string -> data:string -> unit -> etag result) command
val get : (?range:range -> bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> string result) command
val head : (bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> content result) command
val delete : (bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> unit result) command
val delete_multi : (bucket:string -> objects:Delete_multi.objekt list -> unit -> Delete_multi.result result) command
val ls : (?continuation_token:string -> ?prefix:string -> ?max_keys:int -> bucket:string -> unit -> Ls.t) command
module Stream : sig ... end
module Multipart_upload : sig ... end
val retry : ?region:Aws_s3.Region.t -> retries:int -> f:(?region:Aws_s3.Region.t -> unit -> 'a result) -> unit -> 'a result

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