package async_ssl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val create : ?verify_modes:Verify_mode.t list -> ?tls_options:Opt.t list -> ?allowed_ciphers:[ `Secure | `Openssl_default | `Only of string list ] -> ?crt_file:string -> ?key_file:string -> ?session:Ssl.Session.t -> ?connection_name:string -> ?override_security_level:Ssl.Override_security_level.t -> ?alpn_protocols:string list -> remote_hostname:string option -> ca_file:string option -> ca_path:string option -> verify_callback:(Ssl.Connection.t -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t) -> unit -> t
val remote_hostname : t -> string option
val allowed_ciphers : t -> [ `Secure | `Openssl_default | `Only of string list ]
val ca_file : t -> string option

ca_file and ca_path may both be used, in which case ca_file is searched first, followed by ca_path. See man SL_CTX_load_verify_locations.

val ca_path : t -> string option
val crt_file : t -> string option
val key_file : t -> string option
val tls_version : t -> Version.t
val tls_options : t -> Opt.t list
val verify_modes : t -> Verify_mode.t list
val verify_callback : t -> Ssl.Connection.t -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t
val session : t -> Ssl.Session.t option
val connection_name : t -> string option
val override_security_level : t -> Ssl.Override_security_level.t option
val alpn_protocols : t -> string list option

Innovation. Community. Security.