package async_smtp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val (^-) : string -> string -> string
val rpc : ?version:int -> name:string -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'q) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'r) -> ('q0, 'r0) Async.Rpc.Rpc.t
val pipe_rpc : ?version:int -> name:string -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'q) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'r) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'e) -> ('q0, 'r0, 'e0) Async.Rpc.Pipe_rpc.t
val state_rpc : ?version:int -> name:string -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'q) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 's) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'u) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'e) -> ('q0, 's0, 'u0, 'e0) Async.Rpc.State_rpc.t
val or_error : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0 Core.Or_error.t)
val list : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0 list)
val option : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0 option)
val pair : ((module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) * (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'b)) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0 * 'b0)
val triple : ((module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) * (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'b) * (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'c)) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0 * 'b0 * 'c0)
val binable : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a) -> (module Core.Binable.S with type t = 'a0)
val string : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.String.t)
val int : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Int.t)
val unit : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Unit.t)
val bool : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Bool.t)
val span : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Time.Stable.Span.V2.t)
val error : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Error.Stable.V2.t)
val smtp_event : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Smtp_events.Event.t)
val id : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Async_smtp__.Message.Id.t)
val spool_status : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Async_smtp__.Spool.Spooled_message_info.t list)
val spool_event : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Time.t * [ `Spool_event of [ `Spooled | `Delivered | `Frozen | `Removed | `Unfrozen | `Recovered of [ `From_quarantined | `From_removed ] | `Quarantined of [ `Reason of Async_smtp__.Quarantine_reason.t ] ] * Async_smtp__.Message.Id.t * Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Info.t | `Ping ])
val send_info : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = [ `All_messages | `Frozen_only | `Some_messages of Async_smtp__.Message.Id.t list ])
val recover_info : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Async_smtp__.Spool.Recover_info.t)
val gc_stat : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Async.Gc.Stat.t)
val pid : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Core.Pid.Stable.V1.t)
val cache_status : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Async_smtp__.Client_cache.Status.t)
val cache_config : (module Core.Binable.S with type t = Resource_cache.Address_config.Stable.V1.t)
module Monitor : sig ... end
module Smtp_events : sig ... end
module Spool : sig ... end
module Gc : sig ... end
module Process : sig ... end

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