package async_shell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

WARNING: The use of this library in new projects is discouraged; consider using Async.Process instead. This library has some gotchas, such as being unable to return the full output of a command (see the ?tail_len argument to

The functions in here are straightforward in_thread wrappers of Shell (lib/shell/src/shell.mli) functions.

Child processes will not exit when the parent process exits. If you want the child processes to terminate, you need to arrange it explicitly, e.g. by sending a signal, or closing a pipe, or sending an explicit message.

module Process : sig ... end
type 'a with_process_flags = 'a Shell.with_process_flags
type 'a with_run_flags = 'a Shell.with_run_flags
type 'a with_test_flags = 'a Shell.with_test_flags
type 'a with_ssh_flags = 'a Shell.with_ssh_flags
type 'a with_sh_flags = 'a Shell.with_sh_flags
type 'a cmd = 'a Shell.cmd
type ('a, 'ret) sh_cmd = ('a, 'ret) Shell.sh_cmd
val run_lines : ?eol:char -> string list Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_one_line : ?eol:char -> string Core.Or_error.t Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_one_line_exn : ?eol:char -> string Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_first_line : ?eol:char -> string option Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_first_line_exn : ?eol:char -> string Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_full : string Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_full_and_error : (string * string) Async.Deferred.t cmd with_run_flags
val run_lines_stream : string Async.Stream.t cmd with_run_flags
val sh_lines : ('a, string list Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val sh_one_line_exn : ('a, string Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val sh_first_line : ('a, string option Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val sh_first_line_exn : ('a, string Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val sh_full_and_error : ('a, (string * string) Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val sh_lines_stream : ('a, string Async.Stream.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_sh_flags
val ssh_lines : ('a, string list Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
val ssh_one_line_exn : ('a, string Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
val ssh_first_line : ('a, string option Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
val ssh_first_line_exn : ('a, string Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
val ssh_lines_stream : ('a, string Async.Stream.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
val ssh_full_and_error : ('a, (string * string) Async.Deferred.t) sh_cmd with_run_flags with_ssh_flags
Small helper commands
val mkdir : ?p:unit -> ?perm:int -> string -> unit Async.Deferred.t
val scp : ?compress:bool -> ?recurse:bool -> ?user:string -> host:string -> string -> string -> unit Async.Deferred.t

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