package async_extra

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type Name = sig ... end
module Version : sig ... end
module type Versions = sig ... end
type 'a marshal_fun = 'a -> Core.Bigsubstring.t option
type 'a unmarshal_fun = Core.Bigsubstring.t -> 'a option
module type Datumable = sig ... end

This module describes the type of a given direction of message flow. For example it might describe the type of messages from the client to the server.

module type Datum = sig ... end
module type Mode = sig ... end

This module may be used to implement modes for clients/servers. A common scheme is to have two modes, Test, and Production, and to want to maintain the invariant that clients in mode Test may not talk to servers in mode Production, and that clients in mode Production may not talk to servers in mode Test. Versioned connection will check that the mode of the client is the same as the mode of the server.

module type Arg = sig ... end
module Read_result : sig ... end
module Server_msg : sig ... end

The messages which the code using this library on the server side needs to process. That is, messages received from Clients or otherwise triggered by a Client connection behavior.

module Client_msg : sig ... end

The messages which the code using this library on the client side needs to process. That is, messages received from Server, or caused by a state change of a connection to Server.

module type S = sig ... end
module Repeater_error : sig ... end
module Repeater_hook_result : sig ... end

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