package async_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Pipe_iterator provides a way of walking through the elements of a pipe or other data stream that can only be computed once, but simulating multiple pointers into that sequence such that each of the pointers can be advanced separately. It does so without storing more of the sequence in memory than necessary.

The primary function that enables this is the copy function, below.

type 'a t
val create : f:(unit -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Eof ] Async.Deferred.t) -> close:(unit -> unit) -> 'a t

Create an iterator from a function f that will be repeatedly called to get the next element of the sequence, and a function close that will be called once at the end when no more elements are left.

val with_pipe : 'a Async.Pipe.Reader.t -> f:('a t -> 'b Async.Deferred.t) -> 'b Async.Deferred.t

Create an iterator from a pipe, and close it and all copies when f is finished. This consumes the pipe - the pipe should NOT be used for anything else after this.

val of_pipe : 'a Async.Pipe.Reader.t -> 'a t

Same as with_pipe, but without the automatic close. The user is responsible for calling close on the iterator and all copies.

val copy : 'a t -> 'a t

Copied iterators share the same underlying instance of the sequence. All copies of an iterator can be advanced independently while still only computing the underlying data stream once.

In general, the portion of the sequence between the leftmost non-closed iterator and the rightmost point in the sequence reached by any iterator (even if later closed) will be kept in memory. Users should avoid having widely diverent iterators if memory usage is a concern.

val close : _ t -> unit

Only close the iterator on which this is called, and does NOT affect copies, which must be separately closed. The underlying pipe or other data source is closed once all iterators are closed OR at least one iterator has reached the end. Calling close more than once is safe. Calling any function other than close on a closed iterator will raise an exception.

val close_everything : _ t -> unit

Same, but affects all copies or iterators this was copied from.

val read : 'a t -> [ `Eof | `Ok of 'a ] Async.Deferred.t
val peek : 'a t -> [ `Eof | `Ok of 'a ] Async.Deferred.t
val read_now : 'a t -> [ `Eof | `Ok of 'a | `Nothing_available ]

The following are the same, except that they return immediately and report `Nothing_available if no iterator has yet been advanced past this point in the sequence via read or peek.

val peek_now : 'a t -> [ `Eof | `Ok of 'a | `Nothing_available ]

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