package arrayjit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Lazy = Utils.Lazy
module Debug_runtime = Utils.Debug_runtime
val optimization_level : int Base.ref
type mem_properties =
  1. | Local_only

    The array is only needed for a local computation, is allocated on the stack.

  2. | From_context

    The array has a copy allocated per-cpu-device, may or may not exist on the host.

  3. | Constant_from_host

    The array is read directly from the host.

val mem_properties_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> mem_properties
val sexp_of_mem_properties : mem_properties -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val equal_mem_properties : mem_properties -> mem_properties -> Base.bool
val compare_mem_properties : mem_properties -> mem_properties ->
val local_only : mem_properties
val from_context : mem_properties
val constant_from_host : mem_properties
val is_local_only : mem_properties -> bool
val is_from_context : mem_properties -> bool
val is_constant_from_host : mem_properties -> bool
val local_only_val : mem_properties -> unit Stdlib.Option.t
val from_context_val : mem_properties -> unit Stdlib.Option.t
val constant_from_host_val : mem_properties -> unit Stdlib.Option.t
module Variants_of_mem_properties : sig ... end
val root_ctx : Gccjit.context option Base.ref
module Tn = Tnode
type context = {
  1. label : Base.string;
  2. arrays : Ndarray.t Base.Map.M(Tn).t;
  3. result : Gccjit.result Base.option;
val sexp_of_context : context -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val unsafe_cleanup : ?unsafe_shutdown:bool -> unit -> Base.unit
val is_initialized : unit -> bool
val initialize : unit -> Base.unit
val finalize : context -> unit
val init : label:Base.string -> context
type ndarray = {
  1. nd : Tn.t;

    The original array.

  2. mutable ptr : Gccjit.rvalue Lazy.t;

    Pointer to the first value of the associated array.

    • if mem = Constant_from_host, the pointer to the first element of the hosted Ndarray,
    • if mem = From_context, either a pointer to Ndarray from context.arrays when ~shared:false, or the function parameter when ~shared:true,
    • if mem = Local_only, the address of the on-the-stack array.
  3. mem : mem_properties;
  4. dims : Base.array;
  5. size_in_bytes :;
  6. num_typ : Gccjit.type_;

    The type of the stored values: short (precision Half), float (precision Single), double (precision Double).

  7. is_double : Base.bool;
val sexp_of_ndarray : ndarray -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type info = {
  1. ctx : Gccjit.context;
  2. func : Gccjit.function_;
  3. traced_store : Low_level.traced_store;
  4. init_block : Gccjit.block;
  5. arrays : (Tn.t, ndarray) Base.Hashtbl.t;
val sexp_of_info : info -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type param_source =
  1. | Log_file_name
  2. | Param_ptr of Tn.t
  3. | Static_idx of Indexing.static_symbol
val sexp_of_param_source : param_source -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type routine = {
  1. info : info;
  2. bindings : Indexing.unit_bindings;
  3. name : Base.string;
  4. result : Gccjit.result;
  5. opt_ctx_arrays : Ndarray.t Base.Map.M(Tn).t Base.option;
  6. params : param_source Base.list;
val sexp_of_routine : routine -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type code =
  1. | Postponed of {
    1. compiled : Low_level.traced_store * Low_level.t;
    2. bindings : Indexing.unit_bindings;
    3. name : Base.string;
  2. | Jitted of routine
val sexp_of_code : code -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type gccjit_param = Gccjit.param
type gccjit_lvalue = Gccjit.lvalue
type gccjit_rvalue = Gccjit.rvalue
val sexp_of_gccjit_param : Gccjit.param -> Base.Sexp.t
val sexp_of_gccjit_lvalue : Gccjit.lvalue -> Base.Sexp.t
val sexp_of_gccjit_rvalue : Gccjit.rvalue -> Base.Sexp.t
type ctx_nodes =
  1. | Ctx_arrays of Ndarray.t Base.Map.M(Tn).t Base.ref
  2. | Param_ptrs of (gccjit_param * param_source) Base.list Base.ref
val sexp_of_ctx_nodes : ctx_nodes -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val jit_array_offset : Gccjit.context -> idcs:Gccjit.rvalue Base.Array.t -> dims:int Base.Array.t -> Gccjit.rvalue
val zero_out : Gccjit.context -> Gccjit.block -> ndarray -> unit
val get_c_ptr : Gccjit.context -> Gccjit.type_ -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray_compat.Genarray.t -> Gccjit.rvalue
val prepare_array : debug_log_zero_out:(Gccjit.block -> ndarray -> 'a) -> Gccjit.context -> (Tn.t, ndarray) Base.Hashtbl.t -> (Arrayjit.Low_level.Tn.t, Low_level.traced_array) Base.Hashtbl.t -> ctx_nodes -> (Gccjit.block -> Gccjit.function_ -> Base.unit) list Base.ref -> Tn.t -> unit
val prec_to_kind : Ops.prec -> Gccjit.Type.type_kind
val prec_is_double : Ops.prec -> bool
val is_builtin_op : Ops.binop -> bool
val builtin_op : Ops.binop -> Gccjit.binary_op
val arr_debug_name : ndarray -> Base.String.t
val debug_log_zero_out : Gccjit.context -> (Gccjit.rvalue * Gccjit.function_ * Gccjit.function_) option Lazy.t -> Gccjit.block -> ndarray -> unit
val debug_log_index : Gccjit.context -> (Gccjit.rvalue * Gccjit.function_ * Gccjit.function_) option -> Gccjit.block -> string -> Gccjit.rvalue -> unit
val prepare_arrays : Gccjit.context -> log_functions: (Gccjit.rvalue * Gccjit.function_ * Gccjit.function_) option Lazy.t -> (Tn.t, ndarray) Base.Hashtbl.t -> (Arrayjit.Low_level.Tn.t, Low_level.traced_array) Base.Hashtbl.t -> ctx_nodes -> (Gccjit.block -> Gccjit.function_ -> Base.unit) list Base.ref -> Low_level.t -> unit
val jit_func : name:Base.String.t -> opt_ctx_arrays: (Tn.t, Ndarray.t, Tn.comparator_witness) Base.Map.t Base.Option.t -> Gccjit.context -> 'a Indexing.bindings -> ((Arrayjit.Low_level.Tn.t, Low_level.traced_array) Base.Hashtbl.t * Low_level.t) -> info * Ndarray.t Base.Map.M(Tn).t * (gccjit_param * param_source) Base.list
val header_sep :
val maybe_jit : name:Base.string -> opt_ctx_arrays: (Tn.t, Ndarray.t, Tn.comparator_witness) Base.Map.t Base.Option.t -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Indexing.bindings -> (Low_level.traced_store * Low_level.t) -> routine
val maybe_jit_batch : names:Base.string Base.array -> opt_ctx_arrays: (Tn.t, Ndarray.t, Tn.comparator_witness) Base.Map.t Base.Option.t -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Indexing.bindings -> (Low_level.traced_store * Low_level.t) Base.array -> routine Base.Array.t
val jit_routine : context -> routine -> context * (Indexing.static_symbol * Base.ref) Base.List.t * (unit -> * Base.string
val jit_code : context -> code -> context * (Indexing.static_symbol * Base.ref) Base.List.t * (unit -> * Base.string
val from_host : context -> Tn.t -> Base.bool
val to_host : context -> Tn.t -> Base.bool
val merge_from_global : unoptim_ll_source:Stdlib.Format.formatter Base.Option.t -> ll_source:Stdlib.Format.formatter Base.Option.t -> name:Base.string -> dst:Arrayjit.Low_level.Tn.t -> accum:Ops.binop -> src:Ops.voidptr -> (Arrayjit.Low_level.Tn.t, Low_level.traced_array) Base.Hashtbl.t * Low_level.t
val merge : ?name_prefix:Base.String.t -> Tn.t -> accum:Ops.binop -> src:context -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Indexing.bindings -> routine Base.Option.t
val merge_batch : ?name_prefixes:Base.string Base.array -> occupancy:(Tn.t -> src_n:int -> src:context -> Utils.requirement) -> Tn.t Base.List.t -> accum:Ops.binop -> srcs:context Base.array -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Indexing.bindings -> (Tn.t, routine option Base.Array.t) Base.Hashtbl.t

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