package archimedes

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Creating abstract paths.

Registering backends

type t = Archimedes_internals.Path.t

Abstract mutable path.

val make : unit -> t

make () creates a new empty path.

val is_empty : t -> bool

Tells whether the path is empty.

val copy : t -> t

copy p copies a path

val clear : t -> unit

clear p clears the path (removes all operations).

val extents : t -> Matrix.rectangle

extents p returns the path's extents.

val move_to : t -> x:float -> y:float -> unit

move_to p x y moves the path current point to (x, y) if both x and y are finite. Otherwise, does nothing.

val rel_move_to : t -> x:float -> y:float -> unit

rel_move_to p x y shifts the path's current point of x horizontally and y vertically, provided both x and y are finite. Otherwise does nothing.

val line_to : t -> x:float -> y:float -> unit

line_to p x y draws a line from the path's current point to (x, y) and sets the current point to (x, y), provided both x and y are finite. Otherwise does nothing.

val rel_line_to : t -> x:float -> y:float -> unit

rel_line_to p x y shifts the path's current point of x horizontally and y vertically and draws a line between the current and the new point, provided both x and y are finite. Otherwise does nothing.

val line_of_array : t -> ?i0:int -> ?i1:int -> ?const_x:bool -> float array -> ?const_y:bool -> float array -> unit

line_of_array p x y continue the current line (or start a new one) with the line formed by joining the points x.(i), y.(i), i=i0,...,i1 (with possibly i0 > i1 to indicate that the indices must be followed in decreasing order). Points with at least one NaN or infinite coordinate are skipped when they are at the beginning or the end and result in a move_to when separating finite points.

  • parameter const_x

    by setting it to true, you indicate that you will not modify x (so it will not be copied). Default: false.

  • parameter const_y

    Same as const_x but for y.

  • parameter i0

    start index. Default: 0.

  • parameter i1

    last index. Default: Array.length x - 1.

  • raises Failure

    if y is to small to possess the indices i0 .. i1.

val line_of_vec : t -> ?i0:int -> ?i1:int -> ?const_x:bool -> vec -> ?const_y:bool -> vec -> unit

Same as line_of_array but for FORTRAN bigarrays.

val line_of_cvec : t -> ?i0:int -> ?i1:int -> ?const_x:bool -> cvec -> ?const_y:bool -> cvec -> unit

Same as line_of_array but for C bigarrays.

val rectangle : t -> x:float -> y:float -> w:float -> h:float -> unit

rectangle p x y w h draws a rectangle specified by (x, y, w, h) if all four quantities x, y, w and h are finite. Does nothing otherwise.

val curve_to : t -> x1:float -> y1:float -> x2:float -> y2:float -> x3:float -> y3:float -> unit

curve_to p x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 draws a cubic Bezier curve using the path's current point as first point (x0, y0) if it is set, else (x1, y1). Sets the path's current point to (x3, y3). The above holds provided all values x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, and y3 are finite. The function does nothing otherwise.

val arc : t -> r:float -> a1:float -> a2:float -> unit

arc p r a1 a2 draws an arc starting at the path's current point. The starting angle is a1, the radius r and the arc is drawn clockwise to the angle a2. The angles are given in radians. The above holds provided the three values r, a1, and a2 are finite. The function does nothing otherwise.

val arc_center : t -> r:float -> a1:float -> a2:float -> unit

arc p r a1 a2 same as arc but the current point defines the arc center of radius instead of start point

val circle : t -> r:float -> unit

circle p r draws a circle of radius r with its center on the path's current point.

val close : t -> unit

close p Closes the path. It is usually not required to close a path, this is useful only to ensure the path won't be extended.

val current_point : t -> float * float

current_point p returns the current point of the path.

  • raises Failure

    if no current point exists.

val append : t -> t -> unit

append p1 p2 append the path p2 to the end of p1 and clear p2. The current point of p1 becomes the one of p2.

val transform : Matrix.t -> t -> t

transform m p returns a new path resulting from applying the affine transformation m to p.


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