package archimedes

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Module handling point styles and marks.

exception Error of string

Raised for undefined point styles.

type name = string

Point styles are identified by strings.

val add : name:name -> (Backend.t -> unit) -> Matrix.rectangle -> unit

add name f extents adds to the existing point styles, a new point style, referenced under the name name. This point style is made using the function f; the extents it takes is given by extents. The behaviour of adding a new point style whose name is already used by another is the same as the core Map.S.add (that is, the previous binding disappears).

val names : unit -> name list
  • returns

    a list of all names currently declared.

    By default, the following marks are defined (a short explanation is given if the mark is not clear from the string):

    • "x", "-", "|", "+", "*",
    • "o" (a circle), "O" (a disk, i.e. same as "o" but filled),
    • "s" (a square), "S" (a filled square),
    • "d" (a diamond), "D" (a filled diamond),
    • "^" (an inverted V), "v", ">", "<",
    • "^-" (a triangle pointing upward), "v-", "|>", "<|",
    • "^--" (a filled triangle pointing upward), "v--", "||>", "<||",
    • "p" (a pentagon), "P" (a filled pentagon),
    • "h" (an hexagon), "H" (a filled hexagon),
    • "tic_up" (a small bar above the current location), "tic_down", "tic_left", "tic_right".

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