package alcotest-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Lwt-based helpers for Alcotest


Dune Dependency






Lwt-based helpers for Alcotest

Published: 24 Jun 2022


A lightweight and colourful test framework.

Alcotest exposes a simple interface to perform unit tests. It exposes a simple TESTABLE module type, a check function to assert test predicates and a run function to perform a list of unit -> unit test callbacks.

Alcotest provides a quiet and colorful output where only faulty runs are fully displayed at the end of the run (with the full logs ready to inspect), with a simple (yet expressive) query language to select the tests to run. See the manpage for details.

The API documentation can be found here. For information on contributing to Alcotest, see


A simple example (taken from examples/

Generated by the following test suite specification:

(* Build with `ocamlbuild -pkg alcotest simple.byte` *)

(* A module with functions to test *)
module To_test = struct
  let lowercase = String.lowercase_ascii
  let capitalize = String.capitalize_ascii
  let str_concat = String.concat ""
  let list_concat = List.append

(* The tests *)
let test_lowercase () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "hello!" (To_test.lowercase "hELLO!")

let test_capitalize () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "World." (To_test.capitalize "world.")

let test_str_concat () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "foobar" (To_test.str_concat ["foo"; "bar"])

let test_list_concat () =
  Alcotest.(check (list int)) "same lists" [1; 2; 3] (To_test.list_concat [1] [2; 3])

(* Run it *)
let () =
  let open Alcotest in
  run "Utils" [
      "string-case", [
          test_case "Lower case"     `Quick test_lowercase;
          test_case "Capitalization" `Quick test_capitalize;
      "string-concat", [ test_case "String mashing" `Quick test_str_concat  ];
      "list-concat",   [ test_case "List mashing"   `Slow  test_list_concat ];

The result is a self-contained binary which displays the test results. Use dune exec examples/simple.exe -- --help to see the runtime options.

Here's an example of a of failing test suite:

By default, only the first failing test log is printed to the console (and all test logs are captured on disk). Pass --show-errors to print all error messages.

Selecting tests to execute

You can filter which tests to run by supplying a regular expression matching the names of the tests to execute, or by passing a regular expression and a comma-separated list of test numbers (or ranges of test numbers, e.g. 2,4..9):

$ ./simple.native test '.*concat*'
Testing Utils.
[SKIP]     string-case            0   Lower case.
[SKIP]     string-case            1   Capitalization.
[OK]       string-concat          0   String mashing.
[OK]       list-concat            0   List mashing.
The full test results are available in `_build/_tests`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 2 tests run.

$ ./simple.native test 'string-case' '1..3'
Testing Utils.
[SKIP]     string-case            0   Lower case.
[OK]       string-case            1   Capitalization.
[SKIP]     string-concat          0   String mashing.
[SKIP]     list-concat            0   List mashing.
The full test results are available in `_build/_tests`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 1 test run.

Note that you cannot filter by test case name (i.e. Lower case or Capitalization), you must filter by test name & number instead.

See the examples folder for more examples.

Quick and Slow tests

In general you should use `Quick tests: tests that are ran on any invocations of the test suite. You should only use `Slow tests for stress tests that are ran only on occasion (typically before a release or after a major change). These slow tests can be suppressed by passing the -q flag on the command line, e.g.:

$ ./test.exe -q # run only the quick tests
$ ./test.exe    # run quick and slow tests

Passing custom options to the tests

In most cases, the base tests are unit -> unit functions. However, it is also possible to pass an extra option to all the test functions by using 'a -> unit, where 'a is the type of the extra parameter.

In order to do this, you need to specify how this extra parameter is read on the command-line, by providing a Cmdliner term for command-line arguments which explains how to parse and serialize values of type 'a (note: do not use positional arguments, only optional arguments are supported).

For instance:

let test_nice i = Alcotest.(check int) "Is it a nice integer?" i 42

let int =
  let doc = "What is your prefered number?" in
  Cmdliner.Arg.(required & opt (some int) None & info ["n"] ~doc ~docv:"NUM")

let () =
  Alcotest.run_with_args "foo" int [
    "all", ["nice", `Quick, test_nice]

Will generate test.exe such that:

$ test.exe test
test.exe: required option -n is missing

$ test.exe test -n 42
Testing foo.
[OK]                all          0   int.


Alcotest provides an Alcotest_lwt module that you could use to wrap Lwt test cases. The basic idea is that instead of providing a test function in the form unit -> unit, you provide one with the type unit -> unit Lwt.t and alcotest-lwt calls for you.

However, there are a couple of extra features:

  • If an async exception occurs, it will cancel your test case for you and fail it (rather than exiting the process).

  • You get given a switch, which will be turned off when the test case finishes (or fails). You can use that to free up any resources.

For instance:

let free () = print_endline "freeing all resources"; Lwt.return ()

let test_lwt switch () =
  Lwt_switch.add_hook (Some switch) free;
  Lwt.async (fun () -> failwith "All is broken");
  Lwt_unix.sleep 10.

let () = @@ "foo" [
    "all", [
      Alcotest_lwt.test_case "one" `Quick test_lwt

Will generate:

$ test.exe
Testing foo.
[ERROR]             all          0   one.
-- all.000 [one.] Failed --
in _build/_tests/all.000.output:
freeing all resources
[failure] All is broken

Comparison with other testing frameworks

The README is pretty clear about that:

Alcotest is the only testing framework using colors!

More seriously, Alcotest is similar to ounit but it fixes a few of the problems found in that library:

  • Alcotest has a nicer output, it is easier to see what failed and what succeeded and to read the log outputs of the failed tests;

  • Alcotest uses combinators to define pretty-printers and comparators between the things to test.

Other nice tools doing different kind of testing also exist:

  • qcheck qcheck does random generation and property testing (e.g. Quick Check)

  • crowbar and bun are similar to qcheck, but use compiler-directed randomness, e.g. it takes advantage of the AFL support the OCaml compiler.

  • ppx_inline_tests allows to write tests in the same file as your source-code; they will be run only in a special mode of compilation.

Dependencies (6)

  1. logs
  2. lwt
  3. alcotest = version
  4. ocaml >= "4.05.0"
  5. fmt
  6. dune >= "2.8"

Dev Dependencies (3)

  1. odoc with-doc
  2. cmdliner with-test & >= "1.1.0"
  3. re with-test

  1. ambient-context-eio
  2. ambient-context-lwt
  3. ask
  4. ask-integrator
  5. azure-cosmos-db >= "0.1.3"
  6. capnp-rpc-lwt = "0.3"
  7. capnp-rpc-mirage >= "0.6.0"
  8. capnp-rpc-unix >= "0.6.0"
  9. caqti-lwt >= "1.7.0"
  10. carton
  11. carton-git
  12. carton-lwt
  13. chamelon
  14. chamelon-unix
  15. current >= "0.4"
  16. current_git >= "0.6.4"
  17. equinoxe
  18. equinoxe-cohttp
  19. equinoxe-hlc
  20. git >= "3.0.0"
  21. git-cohttp
  22. git-cohttp-mirage
  23. git-cohttp-unix
  24. git-mirage >= "3.0.0"
  25. git-unix >= "3.0.0"
  26. gitlab-unix < "0.1.1"
  27. guardian
  28. http-mirage-client
  29. irmin >= "2.4.0"
  30. irmin-containers
  31. irmin-graphql >= "2.2.0"
  32. irmin-pack != "2.3.0" & != "2.6.1"
  33. irmin-test >= "3.0.0"
  34. ledgerwallet-tezos >= "0.4.0"
  35. letters
  36. mimic
  37. mirage-block-partition
  38. mirage-vnetif-stack
  39. mqtt >= "0.2.2"
  40. multipart_form-lwt
  41. nbd >= "4.0.3"
  42. nbd-tool
  43. nbd-unix < "6.0.1"
  44. obuilder < "0.6.0"
  45. ocluster < "0.3.0"
  46. opium >= "0.19.0"
  47. opium-graphql
  48. opium-testing
  49. otoggl
  50. paf
  51. paf-cohttp
  52. pgx_lwt_unix
  53. piaf < "0.2.0"
  54. prometheus-app >= "1.2"
  55. resto >= "0.9"
  56. rpclib-lwt >= "7.1.0"
  57. SZXX < "4.0.0"
  58. server-reason-react
  59. sihl != "0.3.0~rc1"
  60. sihl-cache
  61. sihl-core
  62. sihl-email >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  63. sihl-facade
  64. sihl-persistence >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  65. sihl-queue >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  66. sihl-session
  67. sihl-storage >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  68. sihl-token
  69. sihl-type
  70. sihl-user >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  71. sihl-web >= "0.3.0~rc1"
  72. terminus
  73. terminus-cohttp
  74. terminus-hlc
  75. tezos-008-PtEdo2Zk-test-helpers
  76. tezos-009-PsFLoren-test-helpers
  77. tezos-010-PtGRANAD-test-helpers
  78. tezos-011-PtHangz2-test-helpers
  79. tezos-012-Psithaca-test-helpers
  80. tezos-013-PtJakart-test-helpers
  81. tezos-014-PtKathma-test-helpers
  82. tezos-alpha-test-helpers
  83. tezos-baking-011-PtHangz2 >= "12.0"
  84. tezos-baking-012-Psithaca
  85. tezos-baking-013-PtJakart
  86. tezos-baking-014-PtKathma
  87. tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt
  88. tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai < "17.1"
  89. tezos-baking-alpha >= "12.0" & < "17.1"
  90. tezos-base-test-helpers < "17.1"
  91. tezos-clic >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  92. tezos-client-004-Pt24m4xi >= "8.0" & < "9.0"
  93. tezos-client-005-PsBabyM1 >= "8.0" & < "10.2"
  94. tezos-client-006-PsCARTHA >= "8.0" & < "9.0"
  95. tezos-client-007-PsDELPH1 >= "8.0" & < "13.0"
  96. tezos-client-008-PtEdo2Zk < "13.0"
  97. tezos-client-008-PtEdoTez
  98. tezos-client-009-PsFLoren < "13.0"
  99. tezos-client-010-PtGRANAD < "13.0"
  100. tezos-client-011-PtHangz2 < "17.1"
  101. tezos-client-012-Psithaca >= "13.0" & < "17.1"
  102. tezos-client-013-PtJakart < "17.1"
  103. tezos-client-014-PtKathma < "17.1"
  104. tezos-client-015-PtLimaPt < "17.1"
  105. tezos-client-016-PtMumbai < "17.1"
  106. tezos-client-alpha >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  107. tezos-client-base-unix >= "13.0" & < "17.1"
  108. tezos-context < "17.1"
  109. tezos-crypto >= "8.0" & < "9.2" | >= "10.2" & < "17.1"
  110. tezos-dal-node-lib < "17.1"
  111. tezos-error-monad >= "8.0" & < "12.0"
  112. tezos-layer2-store < "17.1"
  113. tezos-legacy-store
  114. tezos-lwt-result-stdlib < "17.1"
  115. tezos-micheline >= "8.0" & < "13.0"
  116. tezos-micheline-rewriting
  117. tezos-mockup >= "10.2" & < "17.1"
  118. tezos-p2p >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  119. tezos-protocol-environment >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  120. tezos-protocol-plugin-012-Psithaca < "13.0"
  121. tezos-protocol-plugin-012-Psithaca-tests
  122. tezos-protocol-plugin-013-PtJakart-tests
  123. tezos-protocol-plugin-alpha >= "12.0" & < "13.0"
  124. tezos-protocol-plugin-alpha-tests
  125. tezos-proxy < "17.1"
  126. tezos-proxy-server-config < "17.1"
  127. tezos-requester >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  128. tezos-rpc-http-server >= "10.2" & < "17.1"
  129. tezos-sapling < "17.1"
  130. tezos-scoru-wasm-helpers < "17.1"
  131. tezos-shell >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  132. tezos-shell-context-test
  133. tezos-shell-services >= "11.0" & < "13.0"
  134. tezos-shell-services-test-helpers >= "12.0"
  135. tezos-signer-backends >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  136. tezos-stdlib >= "8.0" & < "17.1"
  137. tezos-storage >= "8.0"
  138. tezos-store < "17.1"
  139. tezos-test-helpers < "12.0"
  140. tezos-test-services
  141. tezos-workers >= "14.0" & < "17.1"
  142. tidy_email_mailgun
  143. tidy_email_sendgrid
  144. tidy_email_smtp
  145. universal-portal
  146. wayland < "2.0"




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