package activitypub_client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Posting activities

module AP = Activitypub
module Log = AP.Log
module AS = Rdf.Activitypub
type AP.E.error +=
  1. | Accept_no_actor of Iri.t

    When an Accept activity is POSTed without an actor object

type post_result = (Iri.t option, AP.E.error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
type audience_post_fun = ?to_:Iri.t list -> ?bto:Iri.t list -> ?cc:Iri.t list -> ?bcc:Iri.t list -> ?audience:Iri.t -> ?public:bool -> unit -> post_result
type accept_fun = AP.Types.activity -> post_result
type announce_fun = Iri.t -> audience_post_fun
type create_fun = Rdf.Graph.graph -> Rdf.Term.term -> ?in_reply_to:Iri.t list -> audience_post_fun
type delete_fun = Iri.t -> post_result
type dislike_fun = Iri.t -> post_result
type follow_fun = Iri.t -> post_result
type like_fun = Iri.t -> post_result
type undo_fun = Iri.t -> post_result
type update_fun = Iri.t -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> post_result
module type T = sig ... end

This is the signature of the module we get after applying the Make functor on an Object.T: functions to POST activities, using module O to act as a given actor.

module Make (O : Object.T) : T

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