OCaml Changelog


Read the latest releases and updates from the OCaml ecosystem.

Dune 2.0.1

See full changelog
  • Delay errors raised by invalid dune-package files. The error is now raised only if the invalid package is treated as a library and used to build something. (#2972, @rgrinberg)

Dune 2.0.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm delighted to announce the release of dune 2.0. This release is the culmination of 4 months of hard work by the dune team and contains new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements . Here's a selection of new features that I personally find interesting:

  • New boostrap procedure that works in low memory environments
  • (deprecated_library_name ..) stanza to properly deprecate old library names
  • (foreign_library ..) stanza to define C/C++ libraries.
  • C stubs directly in OCaml executables

Refer to the change log for an exhaustive list.

We strive for a good out of the box experience that requires no configuration, so we've also tweaked a few defaults. In particular, $ dune build will now build @all instead of @install, and ocamlformat rules are setup by default.

Lastly, dune 2.0 sheds all the legacy related to jbuilder and will no longer build jbuilder projects. This change is necessary to ease maintenance and make it easier to add new features down the line. There are a few other minor breaking changes. Refer to the change log for the full list. We apologize in advance for any convenience this might cause.

Happy Hacking!

See full changelog
  • Remove existing destination files in install before installing the new ones. (#2885, fixes #2883, @bschommer)

  • The action field in the alias stanza is not available starting lang dune 2.0. The alias field in the rule stanza is a replacement. (#2846, fixes 2681, @rgrinberg)

  • Introduce alias and package fields to the rule stanza. This is the preferred way of attaching rules to aliases. (#2744, @rgrinberg)

  • Add field (optional) for executable stanzas (#2463, fixes #2433, @bobot)

  • Infer targets for rule stanzas expressed in long form (#2494, fixes #2469, @NathanReb)

  • Indicate the progress of the initial file tree loading (#2459, fixes #2374, @bobot)

  • Build .cm[ox] files for executables more eagerly. This speeds up builds at the cost of building unnecessary artifacts in some cases. Some of these extra artifacts can fail to built, so this is a breaking change. (#2268, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not put the <package>.install files in the source tree unless -p or --promote-install-files is passed on the command line (#2329, @jeremiedimino)

  • Compilation units of user defined executables are now mangled by default. This is done to prevent the accidental collision with library dependencies of the executable. (#2364, fixes #2292, @rgrinberg)

  • Enable (explicit_js_mode) by default. (#1941, @nojb)

  • Add an option to clear the console in-between builds with --terminal-persistence=clear-on-rebuild

  • Stop symlinking object files to main directory for stanzas defined jbuild files (#2440, @rgrinberg)

  • Library names are now validated in a strict fashion. Previously, invalid names would be allowed for unwrapped libraries (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • mli only modules must now be explicitly declared. This was previously a warning and is now an error. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • Modules filtered out from the module list via the Ordered Set Language must now be actual modules. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • Actions which introduce targets where new targets are forbidden (e.g. preprocessing) are now an error instead of a warning. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • No longer install a jbuilder binary. (#2441, @jeremiedimino)

  • Stub names are no longer allowed relative paths. This was previously a warning and is now an error (#2443, @rgrinberg).

  • Define (paths ...) fields in (context ...) definitions in order to set or extend any PATH-like variable in the context environment. (#2426, @nojb)

  • The diff action will always normalize newlines before diffing. Perviousy, it would not do this normalization for rules defined in jbuild files. (#2457, @rgrinberg)

  • Modules may no longer belong to more than one stanza. This was previously allowed only in stanzas defined in jbuild files. (#2458, @rgrinberg)

  • Remove support for jbuild-ignore files. They have been replaced by the the dirs stanza in dune files. (#2456, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a new config option sandboxing_preference, the cli argument --sandbox, and the dep spec sandbox in dune language. These let the user control the level of sandboxing done by dune per rule and globally. The rule specification takes precedence. The global configuration merely specifies the default. (#2213, @aalekseyev, @jeremiedimino)

  • Remove support for old style subsystems. Dune will now emit a warning to reinstall the library with the old style subsystem. (#2480, @rgrinberg)

  • Add action (with-stdin-from ) to redirect input from when performing . (#2487, @nojb)

  • Change the automatically generated odoc index to only list public modules. This only affects unwrapped libraries (#2479, @rgrinberg)

  • Set up formatting rules by default. They can be configured through a new (formatting) stanza in dune-project (#2347, fixes #2315, @emillon)

  • Change default target from @install to @all. (#2449, fixes #1220, @rgrinberg)

  • Include building stubs in @check rules. (@rgrinberg, #2530)

  • Get rid of ad-hoc rules for guessing the version. Dune now only relies on the version written in the dune-project file and no longer read VERSION or similar files (#2541, @jeremiedimino)

  • In (diff? x y) action, require x to exist and register a dependency on that file. (#2486, @aalekseyev)

  • On Windows, an .exe suffix is no longer added implicitly to binary names that already end in .exe. Second, when resolving binary names, .opt variants are no longer chosen automatically. (#2543, @nojb)

  • Make (diff? x y) move the correction file (y) away from the build directory to promotion staging area. This makes corrections work with sandboxing and in general reduces build directory pollution. (#2486, @aalekseyev, fixes #2482)

  • c_flags, c_names and cxx_names are now supported in executable and executables stanzas. (#2562, @nojb) Note: this feature has been subsequently extended into a separate foreign_stubs field. (#2659, RFC #2650, @snowleopard)

  • Remove git integration from $ dune upgrade (#2565, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a --disable-promotion to disable all modification to the source directory. There's also a corresponding DUNE_DISABLE_PROMOTION environment variable. (#2588, fix #2568, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a forbidden_libraries field to prevent some library from being linked in an executable. This help detecting who accidently pulls in unix for instance (#2570, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix incorrect error message when a variable is expanded in static context: %{lib:lib:..} when the library does not exist. (#2597, fix #1541, @rgrinberg)

  • Add --sections option to $ dune install to install subsections of .install files. This is useful for installing only the binaries in a workspace for example. (#2609, fixes #2554, @rgrinberg)

  • Drop support for jbuild and jbuild-ignore files (#2607, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a dune-action-plugin library for describing dependencies direcly in the executable source. Programs that use this feature can be run by a new action (dynamic-run ...). (#2635, @staronj, @aalekseyev)

  • Stop installing the ocaml-syntax-shims binary. In order to use future_syntax, one now need to depend on the ocaml-syntax-shims package (#2654, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add support for dependencies that are re-exported. Such dependencies are marked withre_export and will automatically be provided to users of a library (#2605, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a deprecated_library_name stanza to redirect old names after a library has been renamed (#2528, @jeremiedimino)

  • Error out when a preprocessor_deps field is present but not preprocess field is. It is a warning with Dune 1.x projects (#2660, @Julow)

  • Dune will use -output-complete-exe instead of -custom when compiling self-contained bytecode executables whenever this options is available (OCaml version >= 4.10) (#2692, @nojb)

  • Add action (with-accepted-exit-codes <pred> <action>) to specify the set of successful exit codes of <action>. <pred> is specified using the predicate language. (#2699, @nojb)

  • Do not setup rules for disabled libraries (#2491, fixes #2272, @bobot)

  • Configurator: filter out empty flags from pkg-config (#2716, @AltGr)

  • no_keep_locs is a no-op for projects that use lang dune older than 2.0. In projects where the language is at least 2.0, the field is now forbidden. (#2752, fixes #2747, @rgrinberg)

  • Extend support for foreign sources and archives via the (foreign_library ...) stanza as well as the (foreign_stubs ...) and (foreign_archives ...) fields. (#2659, RFC #2650, @snowleopard)

  • Add (deprecated_package_names) field to (package) declaration in dune-project. The names declared here can be used in the (old_public_name) field of (deprecated_library_name) stanza. These names are interpreted as library names (not prefixed by a package name) and appropiate redirections are setup in their META files. This feaure is meant to migrate old libraries which do not follow Dune's convention of prefixing libraries with the package name. (#2696, @nojb)

  • The fields license, authors, maintainers, source, bug_reports, homepage, and documentation of dune-project can now be overriden on a per-package basis. (#2774, @nojb)

  • Change the default modes field of executables to (mode exe). If one wants to build a bytecode program, it now needs to be explicitly requested via (modes byte exe). (#2851, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow ccomp_type as a variable for evaluating enabled_if. (#2855, @dra27, @rgrinberg)

  • Stricter validation of file names in select. The file names of conditional sources must match the prefix and the extension of the resultant filename. (#2867, @rgrinberg)

  • Add flag disable_dynamically_linked_foreign_archives to the workspace file. If the flag is set to true then: (i) when installing libraries, we do not install dynamic foreign archives dll*.so; (ii) when building executables in the byte mode, we statically link in foreign archives into the runtime system; (iii) we do not generate any dll*.so rules. (#2864, @snowleopard)

  • Reimplement the bootstrap procedure. The new procedure is faster and should no longer stack overflow (#2854, @dra27, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow .opam.template files to be generated using rules (#2866, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.11.4

See full changelog
  • Allow to mark directories as data_only_dirs without including them as dirs (#2619, fix #2584, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix reading .install files generated with an external --build-dir. (#2638, fix #2629, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.11.3

See full changelog
  • Fix a ppx hash collision in watch mode (#2546, fixes #2520, @diml)

Dune 1.11.2

See full changelog
  • Remove the optimisation of passing -nodynlink for executables when not necessary. It seems to be breaking things (see #2527, @diml)

  • Fix invalid library names in dune-package files. Only public names should exist in such files. (#2558, fix #2425, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.11.1

See full changelog
  • Fix config file dependencies of ocamlformat (#2471, fixes #2464, @nojb)

  • Cleanup stale directories when using (source_tree ...) in the presence of directories with only sub-directories and no files (#2514, fixes #2499, @diml)

Dune 1.11.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the release of dune 1.11.0. This release contains quite a few new interesting features such as custom dialects: anyone can define their own OCaml based syntax. Is anyone up to revive the revised syntax? :slight_smile: I'd also like to highlight the the re-launch of variants feature in a sounder form, a new build-info library that queries build information, and that dune init can initialize an entire project. But of course, by far the most important thing is that the compiler's colours are now back :champagne:

See full changelog
  • Don't select all local implementations in dune utop. Instead, let the default implementation selection do its job. (#2327, fixes #2323, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Check that selected implementations (either by variants or default implementations) are indeed implementations. (#2328, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Don't reserve the Ppx toplevel module name for ppx rewriters (#2242, @jeremiedimino)

  • Redesign of the library variant feature according to the #2134 proposal. The set of variants is now computed when the virtual library is installed. Introducing a new external_variant stanza. (#2169, fixes #2134, @TheLortex, review by @jeremiedimino)

  • Add proper line directives when copying .cc and .cxx sources (#2275, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix error message for missing C++ sources. The .cc extension was always ignored before. (#2275, @rgrinberg)

  • Add $ dune init project subcommand to create project boilerplate according to a common template. (#2185, fixes #159, @shonfeder)

  • Allow to run inline tests in javascript with nodejs (#2266, @hhugo)

  • Build ppx.exe as compiling host binary. (#2286, fixes #2252, @toots, review by @rgrinberg and @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a cinaps extension and stanza for better integration with the cinaps tool tool (#2269, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow to embed build info in executables such as version and list and version of statically linked libraries (#2224, @jeremiedimino)

  • Set version in META and dune-package files to the one read from the vcs when no other version is available (#2224, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a variable %{target} to be used in situations where the context requires at most one word, so %{targets} can be confusing; stdout redirections and "-o" arguments of various tools are the main use case; also, introduce a separate field target that must be used instead of targets in those situations. (#2341, @aalekseyev)

  • Fix dependency graph of wrapped_compat modules. Previously, the dependency on the user written entry module was omitted. (#2305, @rgrinberg)

  • Allow to promote executables built with an executable stanza (#2379, @jeremiedimino)

  • When instantiating an implementation with a variant, make sure it matches virtual library's list of known implementations. (#2361, fixes #2322, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Add a variable %{ignoring_promoted_rules} that is true when --ingore-promoted-rules is passed on the command line and false otherwise (#2382, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix a bug in future_syntax where the characters @ and & were not distinguished in the names of binding operators (let@ was the same as let&) (#2376, @aalekseyev, @jeremiedimino)

  • Workspaces with non unique project names are now supported. (#2377, fix #2325, @rgrinberg)

  • Improve opam generation to include the dune dependencies with the minimum constraint set based on the dune language version specified in the dune-project file. (2383, @avsm)

  • The order of fields in the generated opam file now follows order preferred in opam-lib. (@avsm, #2380)

  • Fix coloring of error messages from the compiler (@jeremiedimino, #2384)

  • Add warning 66 to default set of warnings starting for dune projects with language verison >= 1.11 (@rgrinberg, @jeremiedimino, fixes #2299)

  • Add (dialect ...) stanza (@nojb, #2404)

  • Add a --context argument to dune install/uninstall (@jeremiedimino, #2412)

  • Do not warn about merlin files pre 1.9. This warning can only be disabled in 1.9 (#2421, fixes #2399, @emillon)

  • Add a new inline_tests field in the env stanza to control inline_tests framework with a variable (#2313, @mlasson, original idea by @jeremiedimino, review by @rgrinberg).

  • New binary kind js for executables in order to explicitly enable Javascript targets, and a switch (explicit_js_mode) to require this mode in order to declare JS targets corresponding to executables. (#1941, @nojb)

Dune 1.10.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the 1.10.0 release of dune. This release is packed with bug fixes, but it also introduces a few interesting features. I'll highlight one important feature that we've introduced and plan to improve in future versions:

Dune allows you to specify package metadata in the dune project file and generate an appropriate opam file. This is advantageous to writing opam files manually as dune will correctly fill in some boilerplate such as the build command:

Here's a snippet from dune's own project file as a demonstration:

(generate_opam_files true) ;; necessary to enbale the generation

(license MIT)
(maintainers "Jane Street Group, LLC <opensource@janestreet.com>")
(authors "Jane Street Group, LLC <opensource@janestreet.com>")
(source (github ocaml/dune))
(documentation "https://dune.readthedocs.io/")

 (name dune)
  (ocaml (>= 4.02))
  (jbuilder (<> "transition"))
  (odoc (< 1.3.0))
  (dune-release (< 1.3.0)))
 (synopsis "Fast, portable and opinionated build system")
 (description "<redacted>"))

Generating the opam file is done via $ dune build @check (the @install, and @all aliases will also work).

Later, we plan to have dune do some sanity checks on the depends field. In the more distant future, we might even skip the generation step altogether by having opam invoke dune to get the generated opam file directly.

See full changelog
  • Restricted the set of variables available for expansion in the destination filename of install stanza to simplify implementation and avoid dependency cycles. (#2073, @aalekseyev, @jeremiedimino)

  • [menhir] call menhir from context root build_dir (#2067, @ejgallego, review by @jeremiedimino, @rgrinberg)

  • [coq] Add coq.pp stanza to help with pre-processing of grammar files (#2054, @ejgallego, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Add a new more generic form for the promote mode: (promote (until-clean) (into <dir>)) (#2068, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow to promote only a subset of the targets via (promote (only <pred>)). For instance: (promote (only *.mli)) (#2068, @jeremiedimino)

  • Improve the behavior when a strict subset of the targets of a rule is already in the source tree for projects using the dune language < 1.10 (#2068, fixes #2061, @jeremiedimino)

  • With lang dune >= 1.10, rules in standard mode are no longer allowed to produce targets that are present in the source tree. This has been a warning for long enough (#2068, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow %{...} variables in pps flags (#2076, @mlasson review by @jeremiedimino and @aalekseyev).

  • Add a 'cookies' option to ppx_rewriter/deriver flags in library stanzas. This allow to specify cookie requests from variables expanded at each invocation of the preprocessor. (#2106, @mlasson @jeremiedimino)

  • Add more opam metadata and use it to generate .opam files. In particular, a package field has been added to specify package specific information. (#2017, #2091, @avsm, @jonludlam, @rgrinberg)

  • Clean up the special support for findlib.dynload. Before, Dune would simply match on the library name. Now, we only match on the findlib package name when the library doesn't come from Dune. Someone writing a library called findlib.dynload with Dune would have to add (special_builtin_support findlib_dynload) to trigger the special behavior. (#2115, @jeremiedimino)

  • Install the future_syntax preprocessor as ocaml-syntax-shims.exe (#2125, @rgrinberg)

  • Hide full command on errors and warnings in development and show them in CI. (detected using the CI environment variable). Commands for which the invocation might be omitted must output an error prefixed with File . Add an --always-show-command-line option to disable this behavior and always show the full command. (#2120, fixes #1733, @rgrinberg)

  • In dune-workspace files, add the ability to choose the host context and to create duplicates of the default context with different settings. (#2098, @TheLortex, review by @jeremiedimino, @rgrinberg and @aalekseyev)

  • Add support for hg in dune subst (#2135, @jeremiedimino)

  • Don't build documentation for implementations of virtual libraries (#2141, fixes #2138, @jonludlam)

  • Fix generation of the -pp flag in .merlin (#2142, @rgrinberg)

  • Make dune subst add a (version ...) field to the dune-project file (#2148, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add the %{os_type} variable, which is a short-hand for %{ocaml-config:os_type} (#1764, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow enabled_if fields in library stanzas, restricted to the %{os_type}, %{model}, %{architecture}, %{system} variables (#1764, #2164 @jeremiedimino, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix chdir on external and source paths. Dune will also fail gracefully if the external or source path does not exist (#2165, fixes #2158, @rgrinberg)

  • Support the .cc extension fro C++ sources (#2195, fixes #83, @rgrinberg)

  • Run ocamlformat relative to the context root. This improves the locations of errors. (#2196, fixes #1370, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix detection of README, LICENSE, CHANGE, and HISTORY files. These would be undetected whenever the project was nested in another workspace. (#2194, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix generation of .merlin whenever there's more than one stanza with the same ppx preprocessing specification (#2209 ,fixes #2206, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix generation of .merlin in the presence of the copy_files stanza and preprocessing specifications of other stanazs. (#2211, fixes #2206, @rgrinberg)

  • Run refmt from the context's root directory. This improves error messages in case of syntax errors. (#2223, @rgrinberg)

  • In .merlin files, don't pass -dump-ast to the future_syntax preprocessor. Merlin doesn't seem to like it when binary AST is generated by a -pp preprocessor. (#2236, @aalekseyev)

  • dune install will verify that all files mentioned in all .install files exist before trying to install anything. This prevents partial installation of packages (#2230, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.9.2

See full changelog
  • Put back library variants in development mode. We discovered a serious unexpected issue and we might need to adjust the design of this feature before we are ready to commit to a final version. Users will need to write (using library_variants 0.1) in their dune-project file if they want to use it before the design is finalized. (#2116, @diml)

  • Forbid to attach a variant to a library that implements a virtual library outside the current project (#2104, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix a bug where dune install would install man pages to incorrect paths when compared to opam-installer. For example dune now installs (foo.1 as man1/foo.1) correctly and previously that was installed to man1/man1/foo.1. (#2105, @aalekseyev)

  • Do not fail when a findlib directory doesn't exist (#2101, fix #2099, @diml)

  • [coq] Rename (coqlib ...) to (coq.theory ...), support for coqlib will be dropped in the 1.0 version of the Coq language (#2055, @ejgallego)

  • Fix crash when calculating library dependency closure (#2090, fixes #2085, @rgrinberg)

  • Clean up the special support for findlib.dynload. Before, Dune would simply match on the library name. Now, we only match on the findlib package name when the library doesn't come from Dune. Someone writing a library called findlib.dynload with Dune would have to add (special_builton_support findlib_dynload) to trigger the special behavior. (#2115, @diml)

  • Include permissions in the digest of targets and dependencies (#2121, fix #1426, @rgrinberg, @xclerc)

Dune 1.9.3

See full changelog
  • Fix .install files not being generated (#2124, fixes #2123, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.9.1

See full changelog
  • Fix invocation of odoc to add previously missing include paths, impacting mld files that are not in directories containing libraries (#2016, fixes #2007, @jonludlam)

Dune 1.9.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the release of Dune 1.9.0. This release introduces a few exciting new features:

  • A tagging mechanism for implementations called variants
  • The ability to build libraries in the Coq proof assistant.
  • A new dune init command to help users quickly generate boilerplate and get start with dune projects (contributed by @shonfeder)

I would like to thank Lucas Pluvinage and @ejgallego for contributing the first two features respectively. They've also collaborated on a blog post to describe these features in detail.

See full changelog
  • Warn when generated .merlin does not reflect the preprocessing specification. This occurs when multiple stanzas in the same directory use different preprocessing specifications. This warning can now be disabled with allow_approx_merlin (#1947, fix #1946, @rgrinberg)

  • Watch mode: display "Success" in green and "Had errors" in red (#1956, @emillon)

  • Fix glob dependencies on installed directories (#1965, @rgrinberg)

  • Add support for library variants and default implementations. (#1900, @TheLortex)

  • Add experimental $ dune init command. This command is used to create or update project boilerplate. (#1448, fixes #159, @shonfeder)

  • Experimental Coq support (fix #1466, @ejgallego)

  • Install .cmi files of private modules in a .private directory (#1983, fix #1973 @rgrinberg)

  • Fix dune subst attempting to substitute on directories. (#2000, fix #1997, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not list private modules in the generated index. (#2009, fix #2008, @rgrinberg)

  • Warn instead of failing if an opam file fails to parse. This opam file can still be used to define scope. (#2023, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not crash if unable to read a directory when traversing to find root (#2024, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not exit dune if some source directories are unreadable. Instead, warn the user that such directories need to be ignored (#2004, fix #310, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix nested (binaries ..) fields in the env stanza. Previously, parent binaries fields would be ignored, but instead they should be combined. (#2029, @rgrinberg)

  • Allow "." in c_names and cxx_names (#2036, fix #2033, @rgrinberg)

  • Format rules: if a dune file uses OCaml syntax, do not format it. (#2014, fix #2012, @emillon)

Dune 1.8.2

See full changelog
  • Fix auto-generated index.mld. Use correct headings for the listing. (#1925, @rgrinberg, @aantron)

Dune 1.8.1

See full changelog
  • Correctly write dune-package when version is empty string (#1919, fix #1918, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.8.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce release 1.8. The highlight of this release is a standalone preprocessor that allows OCaml programs to use the new let bindings introduced in 1.8 and still be compatible with OCaml versions all the way back to 4.02.

This release includes some important contributions from a new contributor: @aalekseyev. So I would like to use this opportunity to welcome him to the team. Thanks Arseniy!

See full changelog
  • Clean up watch mode polling loop: improves signal handling and error handling during polling (#1912, fix #1907, fix #1671, @aalekseyev)

  • Change status messages during polling to be one-line, so that the messages are correctly erased by ^K. (#1912, @aalekseyev)

  • Add support for .cxx extension for C++ stubs (#1831, @rgrinberg)

  • Add DUNE_WORKSPACE variable. This variable is equivalent to setting --workspace in the command line. (#1711, fix #1503, @rgrinberg)

  • Add c_flags and cxx_flags to env profile settings (#1700 and #1800, @gretay-js)

  • Format dune printenv output (#1867, fix #1862, @emillon)

  • Add the (promote-into <dir>) and `(promote-until-clean-into

    )` modes for `(rule ...)` stanzas, so that files can be promoted in another directory than the current one. For instance, this is used in merlin to promote menhir generated files in a directory that depends on the version of the compiler (#1890, @jeremiedimino)
  • Improve error message when dune subst fails (#1898, fix #1897, @rgrinberg)

  • Add more GC counters to catapult traces (fix908, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a preprocessor shim for the let+ syntax of OCaml 4.08 (#1899, implements #1891, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix generation of .merlin files on Windows. \ characters needed to be escaped (#1869, @mlasson)

  • Fix 0 error code when $ dune format-dune-file fails. (#1915, fix #1914, @rgrinberg)

  • Configurator: deprecated query_expr and introduced query_expr_err which is the same but with a better error in case it fails. (#1886, @ejgallego)

  • Make sure (menhir (mode promote) ...) stanzas are ignored when using --ignore-promoted-rules or -p (#1917, @jeremiedimino)

Dune 1.7.3

See full changelog
  • Fix interpretation of META files containing archives with / in the filename. For instance, this was causing llvm to be unusable with dune (#1889, fix #1885, @diml)

  • Make errors about menhir stanzas be located (#1881, fix #1876, @diml)

Dune 1.7.2

See full changelog
  • Add ${corrected-suffix}, ${library-name} and a few other variables to the list of variables to upgrade. This fixes the support for various framework producing corrections (#1840, #1853, @diml)

  • Fix $ dune subst failing because the build directory wasn't set. (#1854, fix #1846, @rgrinberg)

  • Configurator: Add warning to Pkg_config.query when a full package expression is used. Add Pkg_config.query_expr for cases when the full power of pkg-config's querying is needed (#1842, fix #1833, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix unavailable, optional implementations eagerly breaking the build (#1857, fix #1856, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.7.1

See full changelog
  • Fix the watch mode (#1837, #1839, fix #1836, @diml)

  • Configurator: Fix misquoting when running pkg-config (#1835, fix #1833, @Chris00)

Dune 1.7.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the release of dune 1.7.0. This release is the biggest release since 1.0 and I'm excited to present it to you. The change log is quite long so I'll summarize the most noteworthy changes:

  • The jbuilder binary and jbuild files are officially deprecated. But not to worry, we've created a $ dune upgrade command to do the hard work for you.

  • The virtual libraries feature has made it to 1.7.0. I've blogged about it before

  • There's now a mode to disable transitive dependencies. This mode still has some caveats because it lacks proper compiler support. But we welcome user reports regarding its usability.

  • Dune now has a --trace-file to profile slow builds using shiny flame graphs in Chrome.

See full changelog
  • Second step of the deprecation of jbuilder: the jbuilder binary now emits a warning on every startup and both jbuilder and dune emit warnings when encountering jbuild files (#1752, @jeremiedimino)

  • Change the layout of build artifacts inside _build. The new layout enables optimizations that depend on the presence of .cmx files of private modules (#1676, @bobot)

  • Fix merlin handling of private module visibility (#1653 @bobot)

  • unstable-fmt: use boxes to wrap some lists (#1608, fix #1153, @emillon, thanks to @rgrinberg)

  • skip directories when looking up programs in the PATH (#1628, fixes #1616, @jeremiedimino)

  • Use lsof on macOS to implement --stats (#1636, fixes #1634, @xclerc)

  • Generate dune-package files for every package. These files are installed and read instead of META files whenever they are available (#1329, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix preprocessing for libraries with (include_subdirs ..) (#1624, fix #1626, @nojb, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not generate targets for archive that don't match the modes field. (#1632, fix #1617, @rgrinberg)

  • When executing actions, open files lazily and close them as soon as possible in order to reduce the maximum number of file descriptors opened by Dune (#1635, #1643, fixes #1633, @jonludlam, @rgrinberg, @jeremiedimino)

  • Reimplement the core of Dune using a new generic memoization system (#1489, @rudihorn, @jeremiedimino)

  • Replace the broken cycle detection algorithm by a state of the art one from this paper (#1489, @rudihorn)

  • Get the correct environment node for multi project workspaces (#1648, @rgrinberg)

  • Add dune compute to call internal memoized functions (#1528, @rudihorn, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add --trace-file option to trace dune internals (#1639, fix #1180, @emillon)

  • Add --no-print-directory (borrowed from GNU make) to suppress Entering directory messages. (#1668, @dra27)

  • Remove --stats and track fd usage in --trace-file (#1667, @emillon)

  • Add virtual libraries feature and enable it by default (#1430 fixes #921, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix handling of Control+C in watch mode (#1678, fixes #1671, @jeremiedimino)

  • Look for jsoo runtime in the same dir as the js_of_ocaml binary when the ocamlfind package is not available (#1467, @nojb)

  • Make the seq package available for OCaml >= 4.07 (#1714, @rgrinberg)

  • Add locations to error messages where a rule fails to generate targets and rules that require files outside the build/source directory. (#1708, fixes #848, @rgrinberg)

  • Let Configurator handle sizeof (in addition to negative numbers). (#1726, fixes #1723, @Chris00)

  • Fix an issue causing menhir generated parsers to fail to build in some cases. The fix is to systematically use -short-paths when calling ocamlc -i (#1743, fix #1504, @jeremiedimino)

  • Never raise when printing located errors. The code that would print the location excerpts was prone to raising. (#1744, fix #1736, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a dune upgrade command for upgrading jbuilder projects to Dune (#1749, @jeremiedimino)

  • When automatically creating a dune-project file, insert the detected name in it (#1749, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add (implicit_transitive_deps <bool>) mode to dune projects. When this mode is turned off, transitive dependencies are not accessible. Only listed dependencies are directly accessible. (#1734, #430, @rgrinberg, @hnrgrgr)

  • Add toplevel stanza. This stanza is used to define toplevels with libraries already preloaded. (#1713, @rgrinberg)

  • Generate .merlin files that account for normal preprocessors defined using a subset of the action language. (#1768, @rgrinberg)

  • Emit (orig_src_dir <path>) metadata in dune-package for dune packages built with --store-orig-source-dir command line flag (also controlled by DUNE_STORE_ORIG_SOURCE_DIR env variable). This is later used to generate .merlin with S-directives pointed to original source locations and thus allowing merlin to see those. (#1750, @andreypopp)

  • Improve the behavior of dune promote when the files to be promoted have been deleted. (#1775, fixes #1772, @jeremiedimino)

  • unstable-fmt: preserve comments (#1766, @emillon)

  • Pass flags correctly when using staged_pps (#1779, fixes #1774, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix an issue with the use of (mode promote) in the menhir stanza. It was previously causing intermediate mock files to be promoted (#1783, fixes #1781, @jeremiedimino)

  • unstable-fmt: ignore files using OCaml syntax (#1784, @emillon)

  • Configurator: Add which function to replace the which command line utility in a cross platform way. (#1773, fixes #1705, @Chris00)

  • Make configurator append paths to $PKG_CONFIG_PATH on macOS. Previously it was prepending paths and thus $PKG_CONFIG_PATH set by users could have been overridden by homebrew installed libraries (#1785, @andreypopp)

  • Disallow c/cxx sources that share an object file in the same stubs archive. This means that foo.c and foo.cpp can no longer exist in the same library. (#1788, @rgrinberg)

  • Forbid use of %{targets} (or ${@} in jbuild files) inside preprocessing actions (#1812, fixes #1811, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add DUNE_PROFILE environment variable to easily set the profile. (#1806, @rgrinberg)

  • Deprecate the undocumented (no_keep_locs) field. It was only necessary until virtual libraries were supported (#1822, fix #1816, @jeremiedimino)

  • Rename unstable-fmt to format-dune-file and remove its --inplace option. (#1821, @emillon).

  • Autoformatting: (using fmt 1.1) will also format dune files (#1821, @emillon).

  • Autoformatting: record dependencies on .ocamlformat-ignore files (#1824, fixes #1793, @emillon)

Dune 1.6.3

The dune team is pleased to announce the bug fix release of Dune 1.6.3. Normally, we don't bother announcing all bug fix releases, but this one contains quite a few fixes. I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to upgrade. Cheers.

See full changelog
  • Fix merlin handling of private module visibility (#1653 @bobot)

  • skip directories when looking up programs in the PATH (#1628, fixes #1616, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix preprocessing for libraries with (include_subdirs ..) (#1624, fix #1626, @nojb, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not generate targets for archive that don't match the modes field. (#1632, fix #1617, @rgrinberg)

  • When executing actions, open files lazily and close them as soon as possible in order to reduce the maximum number of file descriptors opened by Dune (#1635, #1643, fixes #1633, @jonludlam, @rgrinberg, @jeremiedimino)

  • Do not generate targets for archive that don't match the modes field. (#1632, fix #1617, @rgrinberg)

  • Get the correct environment node for multi project workspaces (#1648, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix an issue causing menhir generated parsers to fail to build in some cases. The fix is to systematically use -short-paths when calling ocamlc -i (#1743, fix #1504, @jeremiedimino)

Dune 1.6.2

See full changelog
  • Fix regression introduced by #1554 reported in: https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/734#issuecomment-444177134 (#1612, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix dune external-lib-deps when preprocessors are not installed (#1607, @diml)

Dune 1.6.1

See full changelog
  • Fix hash collision for on-demand ppx rewriters once and for all (#1602, fixes #1524, @diml)

  • Add dune external-lib-deps --sexp --unstable-by-dir so that the output can be easily processed by a machine (#1599, @diml)

Dune 1.6.0

The dune team is pleased to announce the release of Dune 1.6.0. This release does not contain any notable features or bug fixes that need to be specifically pointed out. Nevertheless, I expect that this will be a quality of life improvement to power users who have experienced dune's sharper corners.

Happy hacking!

See full changelog
  • Expand variables in install stanzas (#1354, @mseri)

  • Add predicate language support for specifying sub directories. This allows the use globs, set operations, and special values in specifying the sub directories used for the build. For example: (dirs :standard \ lib*) will use all directories except those that start with lib. (#1517, #1568, @rgrinberg)

  • Add binaries field to the (env ..) stanza. This field sets and overrides binaries for rules defined in a directory. (#1521, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix a crash caused by using an extension in a project without dune-project file (#1535, fix #1529, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow %{bin:..}, %{exe:..}, and other static expansions in the deps field. (#1155, fix #1531, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix bad interaction between on-demand ppx rewriters and using multiple build contexts (#1545, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix handling of installed .dune files when the backend is declared via a dune file (#1551, fixes #1549, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a --stats command line option to record resource usage (#1543, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix dune build @doc deleting highlight.pack.js on rebuilds, after the first build (#1557, @aantron).

  • Allow targets to be directories, which Dune will treat opaquely (#1547, @jordwalke)

  • Support for OCaml 4.08: List.t is now provided by OCaml (#1561, @ejgallego)

  • Exclude the local esy directory (_esy) from the list of watched directories (#1578, @andreypopp)

  • Fix the output of dune external-lib-deps (#1594, @jeremiedimino)

  • Introduce data_only_dirs to replace ignored_subdirs. ignored_subdirs is deprecated since 1.6. (#1590, @rgrinberg)

  • Add dune external-lib-deps --sexp --unstable-by-dir so that the output can be easily processed by a machine (#1599, @jeremiedimino)

Dune 1.5.1

See full changelog
  • Fix dune utop <dir> when invoked from a sub-directory of the project (#1520, fix #1518, @diml)

  • Fix bad interaction between on-demand ppx rewriters and polling mode (#1525, fix #1524, @diml)

Dune 1.5.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the 1.5.0 release of dune. This release does not contain any major features, but it does contain a few notable bug fixes and a couple of useful little additions. First of all, $ dune exec now supports C-c again - I know this affected many of you. This releases introduces a couple of new aliases that will hopefully find their way into your workflows.

The first alias is @all and has been much requested by our users. $ dune build @dir/all will build all user defined targets in a the directory dir. This would include binaries, libraries, and user defined targets in dir. This alias should have been the defaulted instead of @install when running $ dune build, but we'll have to wait until dune 2.0 to make this compatibility breaking change. In the mean time, I highly recommend everyone to use $ dune build @all instead of $ dune build meanwhile. You may also set the default alias per project as well:

 (name default)
 (deps (alias_rec all)))

The second new alias is @check. It is inspired by cargo's check subcommand and roughly corresponds to type checking the project and building all artifacts necessary for editor integration - cmt, cmti's, .merlin, etc. This is the fastest target to verify that a project is in a valid state. Note that this alias will not relink binaries so it might not catch errors such as missing stubs. I find this alias handy when doing large, type driven refactoring of a codebase.

The rest of the change log is replicated below. Happy hacking!

See full changelog
  • Filter out empty paths from OCAMLPATH and PATH (#1436, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not add the lib.cma.js target in lib's directory. Put this target in a sub directory instead. (#1435, fix #1302, @rgrinberg)

  • Install generated OCaml files with a .ml rather than a .ml-gen extension (#1425, fix #1414, @rgrinberg)

  • Allow to use the bigarray library in >= 4.07 without ocamlfind and without installing the corresponding otherlib. (#1455, @nojb)

  • Add @all alias to build all targets defined in a directory (#1409, fix #1220, @rgrinberg)

  • Add @check alias to build all targets required for type checking and tooling support. (#1447, fix #1220, @rgrinberg)

  • Produce the odoc index page with the content wrapper to make it consistent with odoc's theming (#1469, @rizo)

  • Unblock signals in processes started by dune (#1461, fixes #1451, @jeremiedimino)

  • Respect OCAMLFIND_TOOLCHAIN and add a toolchain option to contexts in the workspace file. (#1449, fix #1413, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix error message when using copy_files stanza to copy files from a non sub directory with lang set to dune < 1.3 (#1486, fixes #1485, @NathanReb)

  • Install man pages in the correct subdirectory (#1483, fixes #1441, @emillon)

  • Fix version syntax check for test stanza's action field. Only emits a warning for retro-compatibility (#1474, fixes #1471, @NathanReb)

  • Fix interpretation of paths in env stanzas (#1509, fixes #1508, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add context_name expansion variable (#1507, @rgrinberg)

  • Use shorter paths for generated on-demand ppx drivers. This is to help Windows builds where paths are limited in length (#1511, fixes #1497, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix interpretation of environment variables under setenv. Also forbid dynamic environment names or values (#1503, @rgrinberg).

Dune 1.4.0

The dune team is pleased to announce the 1.4.0 release of Dune. The highlight of this release is the improved support for menhir, in particular the long awaited --infer flag. This seemingly small feature took quite a bit of coordination between the maintainers of dune and menhir. So I'd like to thank @fpottier for helping us out with this by adding better support for dune in menhir itself, and implementing the majority of the support in dune as well.

The rest of the release is mostly bug fixes, but one notable feature is that dune is now C-c friendly. Dune will now resume exactly where it's stopped after interruption instead of restarting the entire build.

EDIT: I actually forgot to mention that this release also includes integration with OCamlFormat due to @emillon. Initially, I had thought that this feature was released in 1.3.0. Sorry about that!

See full changelog
  • Do not fail if the output of ocamlc -config doesn't include standard_runtime (#1326, @jeremiedimino)

  • Let Configurator.V1.C_define.import handle negative integers (#1334, @Chris00)

  • Re-execute actions when a target is modified by the user inside _build (#1343, fix #1342, @jeremiedimino)

  • Pass --set-switch to opam (#1341, fix #1337, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix bad interaction between multi-directory libraries the menhir stanza (#1373, fix #1372, @jeremiedimino)

  • Integration with automatic formatters (#1252, fix #1201, @emillon)

  • Better error message when using (self_build_stubs_archive ...) and (c_names ...) or (cxx_names ...) simultaneously. (#1375, fix #1306, @nojb)

  • Improve name detection for packages when the prefix isn't an actual package (#1361, fix #1360, @rgrinberg)

  • Support for new menhir rules (#863, fix #305, @fpottier, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not remove flags when compiling compatibility modules for wrapped mode (#1382, fix #1364, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix reason support when using staged_pps (#1384, @charlesetc)

  • Add support for enabled_if in rule, menhir, ocamllex, ocamlyacc (#1387, @jeremiedimino)

  • Exit gracefully when a signal is received (#1366, @jeremiedimino)

  • Load all defined libraries recursively into utop (#1384, fix #1344, @rgrinberg)

  • Allow to use libraries bytes, result and uchar without findlib installed (#1391, @nojb)

  • Take argument to self_build_stubs_archive into account. (#1395, @nojb)

  • Fix bad interaction between env customization and vendored projects: when a vendored project didn't have its own env stanza, the env stanza from the enclosing project was in effect (#1408, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix stop early bug when scanning for watermarks (#1423, @struktured)

Dune 1.3.0

It is my pleasure to announce the release of Dune 1.3.0. This release does not contain many features, but it does contain a few important bug fixes. Everyone is encouraged to upgrade.

Happy Hacking.

See full changelog
  • Support colors on Windows (#1290, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow dune.configurator and base to be used together (#1291, fix #1167, @jeremiedimino)

  • Support interrupting and restarting builds on file changes (#1246, @kodek16)

  • Fix findlib-dynload support with byte mode only (#1295, @bobot)

  • Make dune rules -m output a valid makefile (#1293, @jeremiedimino)

  • Expand variables in (targets ..) field (#1301, #1320, fix #1189, @nojb, @rgrinberg, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix a race condition on Windows that was introduced in 1.2.0 (#1304, fix #1303, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix the generation of .merlin files to account for private modules (@rgrinberg, fix #1314)

  • Exclude the local opam switch directory (_opam) from the list of watched directories (#1315, @dysinger)

  • Fix compilation of the module generated for findlib.dynload (#1317, fix #1310, @jeremiedimino)

  • Lift restriction on copy_files and copy_files# stanzas that files to be copied should be in a subdirectory of the current directory. (#1323, fix #911, @nojb)

Dune 1.2.1

Dune 1.2.1 includes a few critical bug fixes over 1.2.0. Everyone is encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

On behalf of the dune team,

Happy hacking.

See full changelog
  • Enrich the dune Emacs mode with syntax highlighting and indentation. New file dune-flymake to provide a hook dune-flymake-dune-mode-hook to enable linting of dune files. (#1265, @Chris00)

  • Pass link_flags to cc when compiling with Configurator.V1.c_test (#1274, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix digest calculation of aliases. It should take into account extra bindings passed to the alias (#1277, fix #1276, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix a bug causing dune to fail eagerly when an optional library isn't available (#1281, @jeremiedimino)

  • ocamlmklib should use response files only if ocaml >= 4.08 (@1268, @bryphe)

Dune 1.2.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the release of Dune 1.2.0. This release contains many new goodies which I will not describe here. This is because Etienne Millon has prepared a blog post for this release: https://tarides.com/2018-09-06-dune-1-2-0.html

I'd also like to personally thank him for all work he's done to make this release so great.

As usual, the change log is replicated below for your convenience.

Happy hacking!

See full changelog
  • Ignore stderr output when trying to find out the number of jobs available (#1118, fix #1116, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix error message when the source directory of copy_files does not exist. (#1120, fix #1099, @emillon)

  • Highlight error locations in error messages (#1121, @emillon)

  • Display actual stanza when package is ambiguous (#1126, fix #1123, @emillon)

  • Add dune unstable-fmt to format dune files. The interface and syntax are still subject to change, so use with caution. (#1130, fix #940, @emillon)

  • Improve error message for dune utop without a library name (#1154, fix #1149, @emillon)

  • Fix parsing ocamllex stanza in jbuild files (#1150, @rgrinberg)

  • Highlight multi-line errors (#1131, @anuragsoni)

  • Do no try to generate shared libraries when this is not supported by the OS (#1165, fix #1051, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix Flags.write_{sexp,lines} in configurator by avoiding the use of Stdune.Path (#1175, fix #1161, @rgrinberg)

  • Add support for findlib.dynload: when linking an executable using findlib.dynload, automatically record linked in libraries and findlib predicates (#1172, @bobot)

  • Add support for promoting a selected list of files (#1192, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add an emacs mode providing helpers to promote correction files (#1192, @jeremiedimino)

  • Improve message suggesting to remove parentheses (#1196, fix #1173, @emillon)

  • Add (wrapped (transition "..message..")) as an option that will generate wrapped modules but keep unwrapped modules with a deprecation message to preserve compatibility. (#1188, fix #985, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix the flags passed to the ppx rewriter when using staged_pps (#1218, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add (env var) to add a dependency to an environment variable. (#1186, @emillon)

  • Add a simple version of a polling mode: dune build -w keeps running and restarts the build when something change on the filesystem (#1140, @kodek16)

  • Cleanup the way we detect the library search path. We no longer call opam config var lib in the default build context (#1226, @jeremiedimino)

  • Make test stanzas honor the -p flag. (#1236, fix #1231, @emillon)

  • Test stanzas take an optional (action) field to customize how they run (#1248, #1195, @emillon)

  • Add support for private modules via the private_modules field (#1241, fix #427, @rgrinberg)

  • Add support for passing arguments to the OCaml compiler via a response file when the list of arguments is too long (#1256, @jeremiedimino)

  • Do not print diffs by default when running inside dune (#1260, @jeremiedimino)

  • Interpret $ dune build dir as building the default alias in dir. (#1259, @rgrinberg)

  • Make the dynlink library available without findlib installed (#1270, fix #1264, @rgrinberg)

Dune 1.1.1

See full changelog
  • Fix $ jbuilder --dev (#1104, fixes #1103, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix dune exec when --build-dir is set to an absolute path (#1105, fixes #1101, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix duplicate profile argument in suggested command when an external library is missing (#1109, #1106, @emillon)

  • -opaque wasn't correctly being added to modules without an interface. (#1108, fix #1107, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix validation of library name fields and make sure this validation also applies when the name is derived from the public_name. (#1110, fix #1102, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix a bug causing the toplevel env stanza in the workspace file to be ignored when at least one context had (merlin) (#1114, @diml)

If you want to contribute to a new release announcement, check out the Contributing Guide on GitHub.