package octez-proto-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Data_encoding.Json end
type json = [
  1. | `A of json list
  2. | `Bool of bool
  3. | `Float of float
  4. | `Null
  5. | `O of (string * json) list
  6. | `String of string
type t = json
type schema = Json_schema.schema
val encoding : json Data_encoding.Encoding.t
val schema_encoding : schema Data_encoding.Encoding.t
val convert : 'a Data_encoding.Encoding.t -> 'a Json_encoding.encoding
val schema : ?definitions_path:string -> 'a Data_encoding.Encoding.t -> schema
type jsonm_lexeme = [
  1. | `Ae
  2. | `As
  3. | `Bool of bool
  4. | `Float of float
  5. | `Name of string
  6. | `Null
  7. | `Oe
  8. | `Os
  9. | `String of string
val construct_seq : 't Data_encoding.Encoding.t -> 't -> jsonm_lexeme Stdlib.Seq.t
val string_seq_of_jsonm_lexeme_seq : newline:bool -> chunk_size_hint:int -> jsonm_lexeme Stdlib.Seq.t -> string Stdlib.Seq.t
val small_string_seq_of_jsonm_lexeme_seq : newline:bool -> jsonm_lexeme Stdlib.Seq.t -> string Stdlib.Seq.t
val blit_instructions_seq_of_jsonm_lexeme_seq : newline:bool -> buffer:bytes -> jsonm_lexeme Stdlib.Seq.t -> (Stdlib.Bytes.t * int * int) Stdlib.Seq.t
type path = path_item list
and path_item = [
  1. | `Field of string
  2. | `Index of int
  3. | `Next
  4. | `Star
exception Cannot_destruct of path * exn
exception Unexpected of string * string
exception No_case_matched of exn list
exception Bad_array_size of int * int
exception Missing_field of string
exception Unexpected_field of string
val print_error : ?print_unknown:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
val cannot_destruct : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val wrap_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val from_string : string -> (json, string) Stdlib.result
val to_string : ?newline:bool -> ?minify:bool -> json -> string
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> json -> unit
val construct : 'a Data_encoding.Encoding.t -> 'a -> json
val destruct : 'a Data_encoding.Encoding.t -> json -> 'a

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