package qcheck-lin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



  • Lin is a base module for specifying sequential consistency tests.
  • Lin_domain exposes a functor that allows to test a library under parallel usage (with domains).
  • Lin_thread exposes a functor that allows to test a library under concurrent usage (with threads).
  • Lin_effect exposes a functor that allows to test a library under concurrent usage (with effects).

Overview: what is qcheck-lin?

qcheck-lin is a testing library based on QCheck for sequential consistency.

A parallel or concurrent program is said to be sequentially consistent if "the result of any execution is the same as if the operations of all the processors were executed in some sequential order, and the operations of each individual processor appear in this sequence in the order specified by its program."1

According to a library description, qcheck-lin generates random programs using the functionalities of this library and runs them, records the results and checks whether the observed results are linearizable by reconciling them with a sequential execution.

qcheck-lin offers an embedded domain specific language to easily describe signatures succinctly. It provides three types of tests:

  • a parallel one, generating and running parallel programs with two domains and testing for sequential consistency,
  • another concurrent one, generating and running parallel programs with two threads and testing for sequential consistency,
  • a concurrent one using effects, generating and running parallel programs with two fibers and testing for sequential consistency.

Example: how to test a library?

Suppose we want to implement a small mutable set library, our main focus being to have a constant time cardinal operation. We will be using Stdlib.Set for the content, keeping track of the cardinality when adding and removing elements.

Of course, we will be using qcheck-lin for testing!

Our library reads like that:

module type S = sig
  type elt
  type t

  val empty    : unit -> t
  val mem      : elt -> t -> bool
  val add      : elt -> t -> unit
  val remove   : elt -> t -> unit
  val cardinal : t -> int

module Lib : sig
  module Make : functor (Ord : Set.OrderedType) -> S with type elt = Ord.t
end = struct
  module Make (Ord : Set.OrderedType) = struct
    module S = Set.Make (Ord)

    type elt = Ord.t
    type t   = { mutable content : S.t; mutable cardinal : int }

    let empty () = { content = S.empty; cardinal = 0 }
    let mem a t  = S.mem a t.content

    let add a t =
      if not (mem a t) then begin
        t.content  <- S.add a t.content;
        t.cardinal <- t.cardinal + 1

    let remove a t =
      if mem a t then (
        t.content  <- S.remove a t.content;
        t.cardinal <- t.cardinal - 1)

    let cardinal t = t.cardinal

Writing a specification

In order to test it for sequential consistency, qcheck-lin needs a lightweight specification of our library's interface. This specification takes the form of a module matching the Spec signature. Then qcheck-lin does all the heavy lifting for us!

This specification exposes one type and three values:

  • type t which is the main type of our library, here the mutable set.
  • init that tells qcheck-lin how to create an initial value of type t.
  • cleanup that tells qcheck-lin how to clean up after the tests (which is necessary when t uses resources that must be released, such as opened files, network connections, etc.).
  • api which is a list of the library's functions we want to include in the tests. These functions are encoded using a custom embedded domain specific language.
open Lin
module LibInt = Lib.Make (Int)

module Spec : Spec = struct
  type t = LibInt.t

  let init = LibInt.empty
  let cleanup _ = ()

  let api =
    let int = nat_small in
      val_ "mem"      LibInt.mem      (int @-> t @-> returning bool);
      val_ "add"      LibInt.add      (int @-> t @-> returning unit);
      val_ "remove"   LibInt.remove   (int @-> t @-> returning unit);
      val_ "cardinal" LibInt.cardinal (t @-> returning int);

Let's have a closer look at the api value. This is where qcheck-lin gets the information about the functions we want to include in our tests. api is a list of values. These values should be constructed using either the val_ function or the val_freq one.

In the example, we use val_, but let's first describe val_freq.

val_freq takes four arguments:

  • an int that is a weight used by QCheck for generation. It allows to skew the distribution of the function in the generated programs.
  • its name as a string so that it can be printed in the output.
  • the function itself, so that it can be called in the tests.
  • an encoding of its type which is used to generate arguments to the function.

val_ is a specialization of val_freq, giving the same weight to all the elements.

Note that the domain specific language brings some static guarantees about the type encoding. If we make a mistake, we will know at compile time.

Running the tests

Now we are set to run our first qcheck-lin tests!

We will be testing our library for parallel usage. The functor Lin_domain.Make takes the Spec as argument and exposes two functions:

Here, we expect the test to succeed, so we will use the first one.

module LibDomain = Lin_domain.Make (Spec)

let _ =
  QCheck_base_runner.run_tests ~verbose:true
    [ LibDomain.lin_test ~count:1000 ~name:"Lin parallel tests" ]

And the test fails...

$ dune exec ./mutable_set.exe
random seed: 429006728
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✗]    1    0    1    0 / 1000     1.9s Lin parallel tests

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test Lin parallel tests failed (41 shrink steps):

              |                     |
           add 0 t               add 0 t
                                cardinal t

+++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Messages for test Lin parallel tests:

  Results incompatible with sequential execution

           |                                    |
      add 0 t : ()                         add 0 t : ()
                                          cardinal t : 2

failure (1 tests failed, 0 tests errored, ran 1 tests)

In the case of a failing test, qcheck-lin prints the counterexample it has found, after some shrinking steps, as is customary in property-based testing à la QuickCheck. The counterexample is a program with a sequential prefix and two parallel suffixes. The counterexample is given twice: the first time with just the function calls; and the second time, each call is paired with its result.

Here, the counterexample is composed of an empty sequential prefix and two spawned processes. The first one adds 0 to the set, while the second one also adds 0 to the set and then asks for the cardinality of the said set.

In terms of sequential interleaving, there are only three possibilities. If we prefix the function call by Left and Right depending on the process in which they are, those sequential interleavings are:

1. Left.add 0 t; Right.add 0 t; Right.cardinal t 2. Right.add 0 t; Left.add 0 t; Right.cardinal t 3. Right.add 0 t; Right.cardinal t; Left.add 0 t

None of them can explain the value 2 returned by cardinal t.

What happened is that both calls to add have checked whether 0 was already an element of the set at the same time (or at least before the other one had a chance to add it). It was not. So, according to our implementation, both calls added the element and incremented the cardinal field.

One way to make our library safe for parallel usage is to protect the set with a mutex.

module type S = sig
  type elt
  type t

  val empty    : unit -> t
  val mem      : elt -> t -> bool
  val add      : elt -> t -> unit
  val remove   : elt -> t -> unit
  val cardinal : t -> int

module Lib : sig
  module Make : functor (Ord : Set.OrderedType) -> S with type elt = Ord.t
end = struct
  module Make (Ord : Set.OrderedType) = struct
    module S = Set.Make (Ord)

    type elt = Ord.t
    type t = { mutable content : S.t; mutable cardinal : int; mutex : Mutex.t }

    let empty () = { content = S.empty; cardinal = 0; mutex = Mutex.create () }

    let mem_non_lock a t = S.mem a t.content

    let mem a t =
      Mutex.lock t.mutex;
      let b = S.mem a t.content in
      Mutex.unlock t.mutex;

    let add a t =
      Mutex.lock t.mutex;
      if not (mem_non_lock a t) then being
        t.content  <- S.add a t.content;
        t.cardinal <- t.cardinal + 1
      Mutex.unlock t.mutex

    let remove a t =
      Mutex.lock t.mutex;
      if mem_non_lock a t then begin
        t.content  <- S.remove a t.content;
        t.cardinal <- t.cardinal - 1
      Mutex.unlock t.mutex

    let cardinal t =
      Mutex.lock t.mutex;
      let c = t.cardinal in
      Mutex.unlock t.mutex;

Once this is done, we can use exactly the same specification and tests. The successful output looks like the following:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set_lock.exe
random seed: 162610433
generated error fail pass / total     time test name
[✓] 1000    0    0 1000 / 1000    48.0s Lin parallel tests
success (ran 1 tests)

Lin in a bit more detail

Underneath the hood Lin uses QCheck and OCaml's pseudo-random number generator from the Random module to generate arbitrary cmd sequences and arbitrary input argument data to each call. To recreate a problematic test run, one therefore needs to generate the same pseudo-random test case input, by passing the same randomness seed. By running the Lin tests using QCheck_base_runner.run_tests_main from QCheck, it is possible to pass a seed as a command line argument as follows:

$ dune exec ./mutable_set.exe -- -s 429006728

Despite generating and thus running the same test case input, one may still experience different behaviours on subsequent reruns of the resulting test, because of CPU scheduling and other factors. This may materialize as different counterexamples being printed or as one run failing the test whereas another run passes it. Lin_domain uses the Util.repeat combinator to repeat each test case 50 times to address the issue and help increase reproducibility.

Current limitations

Lin comes with a number of limitations which we plan to address in future releases. Currently Spec.api descriptions:

  • support only one Spec.t - namely the one resulting from Spec.init,
  • do not support composing Spec.t with other type combinators such as Lin.list and Lin.option - this restriction is expressed with the Lin.noncombinable type parameter in Lin.t,
  • do not support using the result of Lin.int_bound as both an argument type and as a result type - you can use for the latter,
  • do not support specifying function values using arrow syntax t1 @-> t2,
  • do not support specifying tuple values using product syntax t1 * t2.

The later two can however be addressed by writing a custom argument generator using Lin.gen.


1. Lamport, How to Make a Multiprocessor Computer That Correctly Executes Multiprocess Program, 1979, DOI: 10.1109/TC.1979.1675439


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