package octez-libs

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  1. Key-value store

Key-value store

This module defines a simple key-value store. The design is minimal and aims to be:

  • easy to use
  • safe when used in a concurrent setting

Each key-value pair is associated to a virtual file. Each virtual file has a layout, given by the user, which specifies, among other things, an underlying physical file for storing the key-value pairs. It is up to the user to decide which virtual file to use to store a key-value pair. It is recommended that values that will be accessed together frequently should be stored in the same file.

In a virtual file, all the stored values should the same size. Each key is associated with an index from 0 to some maximum value (see implementation). Different keys should be associated to different indexes.

A maximum of 4096 values can be stored in a file.

To avoid I/Os, the store keeps recently used values in memory, as follows. It maintains an LRU (least-recently used) of a given maximum (see init) of open files. For each open file, there is an associated cache containing all read/write values since the file was opened (only the most recent value for a given key, of course).

type ('key, 'value) layout

A layout specifies the layout of a virtual file storing keys of type 'key and values of type 'value, as well as the path to the underlying physical file.

type ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout = root_dir:string -> 'file -> ('key, 'value) layout

The type of functions to compute the layout of a given file.

val layout : ?encoded_value_size:int -> encoding:'value Data_encoding.t -> filepath:string -> eq:('value -> 'value -> bool) -> index_of:('key -> int) -> number_of_keys_per_file:int -> unit -> ('key, 'value) layout

layout ?encoded_value_size value_encoding path eq index_of ~number_of_keys_per_file describes a virtual file layout.

  • encoded_value_size is the size in bytes of any encoded value. If encoded values have different sizes, the behaviour of the store is undefined. If encoded_value_size is not given, then the encoded value size is deduced from value_encoding, which must be of fixed length.
  • value_encoding is an encoding for values.
  • path is the path of the physical file.
  • eq is an equality function on values.
  • index_of gives the index of a given key.
  • raises Invalid_argument

    if encoded_value_size=None and value_encoding does not have a fixed length.

    The user should provide the number of keys stored per file, which should not exceed 4096.

type ('file, 'key, 'value) t

An abstract representation of a file-based key-value store.

val init : lru_size:int -> root_dir:string -> ('file, 'key, 'value) t Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

init ~lru_size ~root_dir initialises a file-based key-value store. The root_dir is created on disk if it doesn't exist. All the keys/values associated to a file are stored in a single physical file.

lru_size is a parameter that represents maximum number of open files. It is up to the user of this library to decide this number depending on the sizes of the values.

Internally creates a lockfile and returns an error if a key value store in the same root_dir is locked by another process. This lockfile does not prevent concurrent opens by the same process and should be completed by a mutex if necessary.

val close : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

close kvs waits until all pending reads and writes are completed and closes the key-value store.

val write_value : ?override:bool -> ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> 'file -> 'key -> 'value -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

write_value ?(override=false) t file_layout file key value writes a value in the key value store in file. If there is already a written value for this key, then the value will be written if and only if override is true.

val write_values : ?override:bool -> ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> ('file * 'key * 'value) Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib.Seq.t -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

write_values ?(override=false) t file_layout seq writes the sequence seq onto the store (see write_value). If an error occurs, the first error is returned. This function guarantees that up to the data for which the error occured, the values were stored onto the disk.

val read_value : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> 'file -> 'key -> 'value Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

read_value t file_layout file key reads the value associated to key in the file in the store. Fails if no value were attached to this key. The value read is the last one that was produced by a successful write.

val read_values : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> ('file * 'key) Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib.Seq.t -> ('file * 'key * 'value Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult) Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib.Seq_s.t

read_values t file_layout keys produces a sequence of values associated to the sequence of keys. This function is almost instantaneous since no reads are performed. Reads are done when the caller consumes the values of the sequence returned.

val value_exists : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> 'file -> 'key -> bool Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

Same as read_value expect that this function returns whether the given entry exists without reading it.

val values_exist : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> ('file * 'key) Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib.Seq.t -> ('file * 'key * bool Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult) Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib.Seq_s.t

Same as read_values expect that this function returns whether the given entries exist without reading them.

val remove_file : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> 'file -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

remove_file t file_layout removes the corresponding physical file of file from the disk as well as the corresponding keys/values of the store. In case of concurrent read/write, this function should succeed no matter what. The result of read/write depends on which function was issued first. For example if the read was issued before the remove_file, it will return the corresponding value that was stored, and then the file will be removed.

val count_values : ('file, 'key, 'value) t -> ('file, 'key, 'value) file_layout -> 'file -> int Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

This function returns the number of entries for a given file.


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