package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val logand : bytes -> bytes -> bytes

Bitwise AND on bytes.

If the arguments have different lengths, the prefix of the longer bytes is cut to have the same length as the shorter one before taking bitwise AND.


logand (Bytes.of_string "\xff\x0f") (Bytes.of_string "\xff") = Bytes.of_string "\x0f"

val logor : bytes -> bytes -> bytes

Bitwise OR on bytes.

If the arguments have different lengths, the shorter bytes is 0-padded on the left to have the same length before taking bitwise OR.


logor (Bytes.of_string "\xf0\x00") (Bytes.of_string "\x0f") = Bytes.of_string "\xf0\x0f"

val logxor : bytes -> bytes -> bytes

Bitwise XOR on bytes.

If the arguments have different lengths, the shorter bytes is 0-padded on the left to have the same length before taking bitwise XOR.


logxor (Bytes.of_string "\xf0\xff") (Bytes.of_string "\x0f") = Bytes.of_string "\xf0\xf0"

val lognot : bytes -> bytes

Bitwise NOT on bytes.


lognot (Bytes.of_string "\xff\xf0\xf0") = Bytes.of_string "\x00\x0f\x0f"

val shift_left : bytes -> int -> bytes

Logical shift left on bytes.

shift_left bs nbits shifts the byte contents left by nbits bits, using big-endian encoding. The vacated bits on the right are filled with 0s. The shifted bits are minimally 0-padded on the left in order to keep all the original bits: for example, 0x1234 LSL 1 is 0x002468, instead of 0x2468 (the left most bit is lost) or 0x00002468 (not minimal padding).

shift_left bs nbits raises Invalid_argument "shift_left" when nbits < 0.


  • shift_left (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 0 = Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34"
  • shift_left (Bytes.of_string "\xff\xff") 1 = Bytes.of_string "\x01\xff\xfe"
  • shift_left (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 1 = Bytes.of_string "\x00\x24\x68" (not "\x24\x68")
  • shift_left (Bytes.of_string "\x00\x12\x34") 1 = Bytes.of_string "\x00\x00\x24\x68" (not "\x00\x24\x68")
  • shift_left (Bytes.of_string "\x00\x12\x34") 18 = Bytes.of_string "\x00\x48\xd0\x00\x00" (not "\x48\xd0\x00\x00")
  • shift_left Bytes.empty 1 = Bytes.of_string "\x00"
val shift_right : bytes -> int -> bytes

Logical shift right on bytes, using big-endian encoding.

shift_right bs nbits shifts the byte contents right by nbits bits, using big-endian encoding. The shifted bits are minimally 0-padded on the left to fit in bytes. For example, 0x123499 LSR 9 is 0xx091a, instead of 0x00091a (not minimal padding).

shift_right bs nbits raises Invalid_argument "shift_right" when nbits < 0.


  • shift_right (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 0 = Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34"
  • shift_right (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 1 = Bytes.of_string "\x09\x1a"
  • shift_right (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 8 = Bytes.of_string "\x12" (not "\x00\x12")
  • shift_right (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34\x99") 9 = Bytes.of_string "\x09\xa"
  • shift_right (Bytes.of_string "\x12\x34") 18 = Bytes.empty

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