package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Intfs : sig ... end
module Hashed : sig ... end
module Signature : sig ... end
module Aggregate_signature : sig ... end
module Base58 : sig ... end
module Blake2B : sig ... end

Tezos - Manipulation and creation of hashes

module Crypto_box : sig ... end

Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography

module Hacl : sig ... end
module Helpers : sig ... end
module Rand : sig ... end
module Timelock_legacy : sig ... end

Timelock is a set of functions to handle time-locking a value and opening time-locked values.

module Timelock : sig ... end

Timelock is a set of functions to handle time-locking a value and opening time-locked values.


Innovation. Community. Security.