package ocaml-base-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type reloc_info =
  1. | Reloc_literal of Lambda.structured_constant
  2. | Reloc_getglobal of Ident.t
  3. | Reloc_setglobal of Ident.t
  4. | Reloc_primitive of string
type compilation_unit = {
  1. cu_name : string;
  2. mutable cu_pos : int;
  3. cu_codesize : int;
  4. cu_reloc : (reloc_info * int) list;
  5. cu_imports : (string * Digest.t option) list;
  6. cu_required_globals : Ident.t list;
  7. cu_primitives : string list;
  8. mutable cu_debug : int;
  9. cu_debugsize : int;
type library = {
  1. lib_units : compilation_unit list;
  2. lib_custom : bool;
  3. lib_ccobjs : string list;
  4. lib_ccopts : string list;
  5. lib_dllibs : string list;

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