package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type synerrspec = {
  1. filename : string;
  2. linespec : string;
  3. message : string;
  4. linetext : string;
  5. marker : string;
type sugar_error_stage =
  1. | DesugarFormlets
  2. | DesugarRegexes
  3. | CheckQuasiquotes
  4. | DesugarLAttributes
  5. | DesugarPages
  6. | CheckXML
  7. | DesugarInners
  8. | DesugarModules
exception RuntimeError of string
exception UndefinedVariable of string
exception InvalidMutualBinding of SourceCode.Position.t
exception Type_error of SourceCode.Position.t * string
exception IRTypeError of string
exception MultiplyDefinedMutualNames of SourceCode.Position.t list Utility.stringmap
exception RichSyntaxError of synerrspec
exception DesugaringError of {
  1. pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
  2. stage : sugar_error_stage;
  3. message : string;
exception UnboundTyCon of SourceCode.Position.t * string
exception InternalError of {
  1. filename : string;
  2. message : string;
exception TypeApplicationArityMismatch of {
  1. pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
  2. name : string;
  3. expected : int;
  4. provided : int;
exception TypeApplicationKindMismatch of {
  1. pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
  2. name : string;
  3. tyarg_number : int;
  4. expected : string;
  5. provided : string;
exception SettingsError of string
exception DynlinkError of string
exception ModuleError of string * SourceCode.Position.t option
val format_exception : exn -> string
val format_exception_html : exn -> string
val display : ?default:(exn -> 'a) -> ?stream:out_channel -> 'a lazy_t -> 'a
val internal_error : filename:string -> message:string -> exn
val desugaring_error : pos:SourceCode.Position.t -> stage:sugar_error_stage -> message:string -> exn
val settings_error : string -> exn
val runtime_error : string -> exn
val module_error : ?pos:SourceCode.Position.t -> string -> exn
val disabled_extension : ?pos:SourceCode.Position.t -> ?setting:(string * bool) -> ?flag:string -> string -> exn
val prime_alien : SourceCode.Position.t -> exn

Innovation. Community. Security.