package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val get : Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> key:string -> Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t option

Get a record values field key. Returns None if the field is not found.

val get_exn : Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> key:string -> Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t

Get a record values field key. Throw an exception if the field is not found.

val set : Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> key:string -> value:Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t

Set a record values field to value.

val match_on : Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t -> on:string list -> bool

Determine if two records have the same values for the fields specified in on.


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